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Image File Execution Options
I was a bit out of line in my previous post. I thought I saw the big picture, but was forgetting about the "freedom" thing. It's easy to forget seemlingly obvious stuff when you're stressed out over something else.
In this case, I don't think this is a hardware issue. If it is, it would be one hell of a coincidence. I'm planning on hooking up the harddrive from that computer to this one (it's an IDE one, so I should have no problem), copying all their stuff, then deleting some files (The SYSTEM registry hive in particular, since a corrupted hive has caused setup hangs for other people. I'm pretty sure this is because the SYSTEM hive happens to contain information needed by the recovery console). I wish Microsoft would have designed it where it didn't need to read any registry keys... it could have just been an NTFS shell, but no... :P (if people really want system security, they should encrypt their files)
This is unrelated to the topic, but why is it that there aren't *FREE* NTFS read/write utilities and drivers out there. That would make things a hell of a lot easier.
Thanks for not flaming me to death :)
--- Quote from: anphanax ---This is unrelated to the topic, but why is it that there aren't *FREE* NTFS read/write utilities and drivers out there. That would make things a hell of a lot easier.
--- End quote ---
You mean, outside of Captive? ...what, you thought Microsoft would allow someone else to design an NTFS driver for their OS? I need to tell my lawyer that one. He'd die. :D
I completly forgot about that project. It even has a LIVE CD. Thanks for mentioning that. Maybe I wont have to screw with hardware afterall.
--- Quote ---you thought Microsoft would allow someone else to design an NTFS driver for their OS?
--- End quote ---
If they can sue you for that, that's ridiculous. You should be able to design an alternative implentation to do something without having to worry about being sued. Writing an alternative implementation of an idea isn't stealing an idea, it's implementing it.
e.g. Drug company A makes drug to cure disease 'x'. Another company B makes a drug that uses different ingredients, but also cures disease 'x'. Drug company A should not be pulling out their lawyers on drug company B.
Blocking people from implementing an idea a different way stifles innovation.
--- Quote from: muzzy ---Software patents are coming to ruin everyone's day, and a lot of OSS apps are becoming illegal. IMO, the development model of open source software only reflects the freedom of the software, which might or might not lead to quality stuff.
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This doesn't have to be, at least not in Europe!
Didn't you hear that if the Parliament votes against the bill, the commision will not pursue it further?
Get lobbying now ;)
--- Quote from: KernelPanic ---This doesn't have to be, at least not in Europe!
Didn't you hear that if the Parliament votes against the bill, the commision will not pursue it further?
Get lobbying now ;)
--- End quote ---
Yea, after the council presidency accepted the fscking thing without majority vote, breaking the council's rules in the process. The bill in EU has constantly been smuggled into "agriculture & fisheries" council sessions, to be decided by people who don't know anything about it, without discussion allowed. When the states required it be changed to discussion item, Luxembourg made up crap on the spot saying it wouldn't be possible for procedural reasons.
Basically, the EU Council Presidency conned the rest of the council, with a malicious intent. I'd like to believe this is just mere incompetence, but why would they repeatedly try to push the software patent issue to be decided by agriculture guys, and other crap like that? I'm suspecting some guys there have been bribed. We should do the same. Spread this url:
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