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--- Quote from: muzzy ---Yea, after the council presidency accepted the fscking thing without majority vote, breaking the council's rules in the process. The bill in EU has constantly been smuggled into "agriculture & fisheries" council sessions, to be decided by people who don't know anything about it, without discussion allowed. When the states required it be changed to discussion item, Luxembourg made up crap on the spot saying it wouldn't be possible for procedural reasons.

Basically, the EU Council Presidency conned the rest of the council, with a malicious intent. I'd like to believe this is just mere incompetence, but why would they repeatedly try to push the software patent issue to be decided by agriculture guys, and other crap like that? I'm suspecting some guys there have been bribed. We should do the same. Spread this url:
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:( :( :( :(


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I'll skip the previous points made by you and stick to this. I know people are still going to use the software that's out there even if it becomes illegal. However, development will more than likely halt. Are you going to risk your life by writing rogue software? We'll see what you say about that when you get those two million fines. This will basically destroy a lot of free software, maybe the whole free software movement. You'll no longer be free to write any software you want to, which means the core point, freedom, has been eliminated. There's no free software without freedom.

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If programming is outlawed, only outlaws will program.  :p

They can have my comppiler when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.  :p  :p

But seriously, should this happen, then, all progress stops and the whole technology will stagnate. Of course, not everyone will go along with this, and probably the Chinese, Indians, and/or Pakistanis will have been handed technology leadership that won't be coming back to either the US or EU, should either/or be stupid enough to pull a stunt like that.

However, given the dumbasses we have in gov't, I wouldn't exactly bet against it.

I don't quite like idea of a world where programmers have to distribute their patch submissions on private encrypted rings, and have to post under pseudonyms through a chain of remailers to protect their identities. Interesting enough, this will most likely happen, and free programmers will be in the same boat than child pornographers and the bunch. It'll get really interesting since free programmers will have the capability to design and implement very very interesting networks for anonymous communication and data sharing. Will this kind of movement affect other uses for such communication, too, specifically warez and child pornography?

I'll have a great damn laugh at the world if in a bizarre turn of events the software patent issue leads into bloom of projects like Freenet and such, that are also used to distribute child pornography. Once it gets serious, the only method to stop it for good is to ban all remailers and proxies. Let's see THAT happen!

That's the spirit I knew you had.  ;)

That being said, I'm a tad more serious about them "prying my compiler from my cold, dead fingers."  Come on now, government goons committing felonious acts to subdue a "dangerous emerging technology"?  How many simps do you think we have over here?  Wouldn't be long before a bloody revolution, I'll tell you that.  Oh, and anyone wanting to get in contact with me should already know how by now.  If not, there are handy little buttons at the bottom of the message window.  :D


--- Quote from: anphanax ---They're not my servers. I'm hosting them for someone else. They're written in Visual Basic 6.0.

As for the "me convincing myself" thing, that's not going to happen. Even with crap like this, i've simply gotten too used to Windows and spent too much time learning to code for it. Time investment is important to people. I have nothing against Linux, and know that it can be used in many places where using Windows wouldn't be a good idea, but for the desktop, it's still a hard sell and will remain so, at least for me. Hell, i'm not even convinced anymore that open source is all that great (I will probably be flamed to death on this). Open source programs crash for no apparent reason, just like closed sourced ones do (xchat, firefox, and are examples of this). I HATE program crashes. I know there's a bigger picture involved here, but still. If FOSS developers are so "talented" and "smart" and "innovative" and "perfect", this shouldn't happen in the first place. I've seen lots of arrogant people bash others for their coding mistakes, then watch them get flooded with bug reports, so... The people with the "FOSS programmers are better an all other programmers" attitude can go to hell. The Open Source model works best when you have the most people looking at projects (more people = more good programmers), so I would think you would WANT to try and convince people to move over to open source.

Note: Telling me to look at the code and try and fix these "no apparent reason" crashes is stupid. Do I look like a linux programmer? Didn't think so... I don't have as much free time as I used to either, nor do I want to spend it learning a platform that I don't use very often because I have one that already works ok. Plus, my linux system doesn't have a keyboard, mouse, or monitor, so... not a big fan of using it at the moment.

Sorry if I seem angry, but this is very stressful. I've never really run into a Windows problem before where I wasn't sure how to fix it.
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How do just jump into linux (my way (i really did it like this))

1. install fedora
2. just run it and if i have a problem figure it out

i had learned lots of code and been using winblows for over 5 years, i think if a 12 year old with a mental problem can figure linux out u can


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