All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Virus Prevention From the Source (Contains Images)
Sorry. I didn't start this thread, my friend did (I was logged on). He also messed around with my webserver too (I'm gonna have to kick his ass!) where the image was hosted.
I pulled the image, because it was absolutely idiotic and childish. If any moderators want to kill this thread, be my guest.
[ July 23, 2002: Message edited by: Dustin ]
I don't think this is real because :
a. I couldn't find the page in the M$ knowledge base
b. version is misspelled
if it's real ... post a link, not just an image
hmm 'verison'
It was funny, but if you can doctor the real site, and post the URL, then I would be impressed (especially if you could get it to stay there without M$ noticing). And I can no longer see the image, was it removed, I'm using works shitty me system?
yes, does not exist anymore, seemingly. How boring...
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