All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Win-d'ohs Strikes Again!

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Though it has that ability, I would never ever Windows as a router/gateway. The fact that the machine acts as a gateway might be the problem. From what I've read, Windows' TCP stack is not the best at routing.

We do have DHCP and AD running on our MS servers, and those functions are very reliable.

Yeah, for a router setup debian or redhat like i have

i used to have a win2k3 gateway before i switched to linux, it went down and the way to get back online was to reboot.

Windows routers :fu:

I don't like windows, and I don't think that anybody else in the universe is allowed to like it.

Alright, with the exception of Muzzy, we all now Winduhs Sucks,okay? Also, they're no need to make up new words for Newb, as they all describe you.I suggest not moronically bashing people who are most likely more knowledgable on the subject. We all know Win sucks, but another part is knowing WHY.


--- Quote from: jtpenrod ---Muzzy, you don't know the whole story, and I'd rather not discuss it on an open forum.
--- End quote ---

Come on jtpenrod, why did you start this thread in the first place if you don't want to discuss it?


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