All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Win-d'ohs Strikes Again!

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Looks like Windows had nothing to do with the problem here. What's up with your FUD?

Muzzy, you don't know the whole story, and I'd rather not discuss it on an open forum.

Come on, share with the unenlightened! What is the whole story?

BTW, I had a good snigger there. Didn't know MS had an anti-Unix propaganda site. Reminds me of Soviet Communism... you can just laugh away at the stuff they've been telling us.


--- Quote from: jtpenrod --- There is another forum I also visit quite often, and they, too, run Win 2K as their server. Every single night, at 4:00AM local time, the site goes off-line for an hour for maintainence. This is pretty much what you have to do to keep it running. Such a PITA.
--- End quote ---

That's is pretty pathetic. I run two IIS servers at work. One is IIS5 has has around 2000 concurrent users hitting it's databse at any one time. It's an online course server, and it's average time between reboots is 60 days. It only needs to be rebooted for patches, and a couple of times, it's been 120 days between needed patches - which translated in 120 days without a reboot.

The other is an IIS6 box which houses our main website, our internal helpdesk website, and our class registration website. Again, this box get plenty on traffic. This box has longer average uptimes than the IIS5 box, due to Win2k3/IIS6 having fewer vulnerabilities (and therefore fewer patches) than win2k/IIS5.

Neither of the IIS boxes I run have ever needed reboots due to system instability. Needing daily reboots for maintenance is silly. What kind of 'maintenance' are these clowns doing?

--- Quote from: jtpenrod --- No one except for the most fanatical, die-hard, true believer will make the claim that Win-whatever makes a good, mission-critical server.
--- End quote ---

It's worked just fine for us. If someone doesn't have the knowledge to support Windows in a server enviroment then that's their problem. It obvious the that people that run the site you mentioned (that reboots every night) have some serious issue with their setup. I don't dispute that unix can be a great platform for hosting web servers and other critical services, but your blanket statement claming Windows servers are impossible to keep up is a sure sign of zealotry.

I don't know about web serving on Windows (that seems to work ok for me with Apache 2), but there's a DHCP/gateway/AD server in my computer classroom.  Typically, about 1-2 times a week, the internet will suddenly go down.  I can ping, but the proxy isn't found.  I think AD logins fail too, but we don't use them much so I don't remember.  I don't know the password to the box, but a hard reboot via the power button always seems to fix it entirely.  Highly annoying, and no less mysterious.


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