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mybot.log files =13GB

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X-Chat logs are HUGE (not that it's x-chat's fault in-particular). I have a big harddrive, but i'm not going to let some log file steal 20 GB of space.

(20 GB is an estimate, but it was HUGE, I was shocked to see how much space it took up. That was only for like a few months too).

Channels and private messages take up a lot of space. If you have logging on, you might want to reconsider staying idle in a channel all the time :\.

It sounds like DDOS kiddies have got your computer, install a fucking Virus Scanner.

It sounds like someone has been rampantly abusing IRC logging facilities.  Forget alarmism, delete the logs, and switch OSes already.


--- Quote from: anphanax ---X-Chat logs are HUGE (not that it's x-chat's fault in-particular). I have a big harddrive, but i'm not going to let some log file steal 20 GB of space.

(20 GB is an estimate, but it was HUGE, I was shocked to see how much space it took up. That was only for like a few months too).

Channels and private messages take up a lot of space. If you have logging on, you might want to reconsider staying idle in a channel all the time :\.
--- End quote ---

20GB in a few months?  I've been saving X-Chat logs for a week or so, and the biggest single log is 683k.  Less than 1MB altogether...


--- Quote from: Orethrius ---Kinda sounds like a logfile for an IRC chatbot.  My recommendation?  Uninstall IRC-X-Matrix or whatever client "package" you're using and just use mIRC.  Better yet, support FOSS and try out NodeIRC to see if it meets your needs.  I'm still not quite sure how to use IRC through Gaim, but then I'm not real big on using IM clients for chatroom purposes.  ;)
--- End quote ---

Also:  BitchX (Linux, BSD, etc.) & ChatZilla (Cross Platform) are good open source choices.


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