Author Topic: DSL question in general...  (Read 1983 times)


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DSL question in general...
« on: 11 April 2005, 23:22 »
Stated in to ask good questions,provide your configuration.
My DSL config

the DSL connection is 256 download/128 upload
using rpppoe to connect and dhcp.
It is dynamic IP based but static router address and ethernet address
Ethernet address: Intel Pro VE 100MBIT
DSL Router interface: Westell brand router.
Firewall rules- none atm :/
NAT (Setted up through the DSL router web interface)=IP routing on and ports to route 1-30000 for TCP and 1-65535 for UDP ports.

Now the problems:
Alot of p2p apps i used to use doesnt work anymore, I have no idea why though... such as DC++.DC++ can connect fine and join hubs find but i cant connect to users or use the search functions. Another is Amule, it can connect to servers and search for stuff but can never get the download working(it works but at 0kb/per hour) Is there anything Im doing wrong?
Oh and also,with the DSL i have no idea which is my public ip address anymore but the router interface said it will be 66.*.*.* but it clearly isnt working. So how do i fix these two problems?


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Re: DSL question in general...
« Reply #1 on: 11 April 2005, 23:32 »
You need to lookup the TCP/UDP ports that those applications use and then configure your router to port-forward these to your machine.

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Re: DSL question in general...
« Reply #2 on: 12 April 2005, 05:02 »
P2P apps likely need to know your public ip address and there should be a way to configure it. Otherwise people can't connect to you, as the apps could be reporting your private address to other peers.

Why such obscure choice for tcp ports? If you haven't configured your p2p apps to use any specific port ranges, they might end up listening at funny ports above 30000. Doublecheck the application configurations, in case any such stuff is going on.

Also, try to verify that the inbound connection routing really does work. You can do it with pretty much any tool of your choice, although I typically use netcat on both ends to open a dummy connection.