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Alternatives to Picture/Fax Viewer
First off, allow me to admit that I actually like Windows XP's Picture and Fax Viewer. It's simple and unbloated and I prefer it much more over using IE for pictures. It's probably one of the very few things that Microsoft got right when they made XP. I need an answer to either of these questions:
1. Is there a cross platform alternative that can be used in place of P&FV?
2. Is there a way to install P&FV on Windows 2000?
What about Imagemagick?
There's no reason to replace Picture and Fax Viewer. It works fine, and doesn't do anything important enough to warrant replacing.
I agree, people often say "Microsoft sUx sHit aNd tHeyRe dEturMinEd tO RiD tHeiR pC of MiCroCock $oFtWaRe, EvEn if ThEy HaVe To uSe WinBloZe thEy SIll WaNt tO UsE M$ SHit aS LittLe aS POssiBle." While this is all good you can go too far.
WMD and Alone_Jonez, you two have totally missed the point of the parent post.
He asked for a CROSS PLATFORM alternative. This means he would like something that would run on things other than just Windows XP.
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