Author Topic: Linus is EVIL  (Read 3325 times)


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Linus is EVIL
« on: 15 April 2005, 04:45 »
Alright, mr. Torvalds has finally revealed what a bunch of idiot he is:

So, Linus says that the bitkeeper reversing has nothing to do with samba because samba is an actual piece of software that DOES SOMETHING, while reversing a protocol doesn't do anything. NO SHIT, SHERLOCK! If you compare things in completely different domains, obviously they won't have much to do with each others. What does this mean? Nothing at all. How about comparing reversing the BK protocols to reversing the SMB protocols? Oh my, that would just suck now, because the things are actually related!

What the heck is up with this?


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Re: Linus is an idiot
« Reply #1 on: 15 April 2005, 07:07 »
Torvalds was never that bright outside of raw coding.  Either that, or he doesn't care enough.  Like a Slashdotter once said:
Summary of Torvalds Interview
Interviewer: What do you think about [blah]?
Linus: Oh, I don't know.  Doesn't really matter.  I just like to code.

To each his own, but I don't particuarly agree with Linus's belief system, or perhaps, his intentional lack therof.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #2 on: 15 April 2005, 14:49 »
Indeed. He has some respectable skills in managing code, but it looks like he's a moron. I wonder if he even believes what he's saying, or if he's just being nice towards his friends at BK camp.


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #3 on: 15 April 2005, 16:32 »
Quote from: muzzy
Indeed. He has some respectable skills in managing code, but it looks like he's a moron. I wonder if he even believes what he's saying, or if he's just being nice towards his friends at BK camp.

I think it's just loyalty to larry.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #4 on: 15 April 2005, 21:49 »
who cares? he's not a celebrity, or he shouldn't be, he's a private citizen and possibly a bit of a geek, so what? none of my business anyway.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #5 on: 16 April 2005, 02:14 »
Linus might not be genius, or a celebrity, but he is an icon. We can all put him, as the father of Linux, as a counterpart to Bill Gates, the father of Windows, MS, and DOS.

note: the mother of DOS was Tim Paterson. He was raped by Bill. It was a Quick&Dirty OS...


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #6 on: 16 April 2005, 04:56 »
Linus isn't really the "father of Linux," though.  If he hadn't started The Hurd*, arguably Richard Stallman would be the official "father of Linux" - he already has leadership on the basic GNU/Linux userland.  Linus is just the kernel.  He's quite a celebrity for that, and he deserves on the basis of his fantastic leadership of the kernel development.  But being the "father of Linux" would, IMO, require a stronger belief in open source/Free Software than Linus has.

*- I just feel like mentioning...Hurd began development in 1989 and hasn't seen an official release yet.  Pathetic.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #7 on: 16 April 2005, 07:23 »
Umm WMD, Linux is named Linux because it's made by Linus. Notice any resemblance in the names? Stallman has nothing to do with linux, he's only responsible for the GNU system and the GNU project. Now, GNU/Linux is called GNU because the userland is a GNU system. Plain and simple, the operating system from userland perspective is GNU, not Linux. Linux is indeed just the kernel as you note, and as of such it has nothing to do with Stallman.

Linus is the father of Linux alright.


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #8 on: 16 April 2005, 07:36 »
Quote from: Jenda

note: the mother of DOS was Tim Paterson. He was raped by Bill. It was a Quick&Dirty OS...

Curious........I always thought the late Gary Kildall was the father of DOS.


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #9 on: 16 April 2005, 14:19 »
Quote from: TB
Curious........I always thought the late Gary Kildall was the father of DOS.

Well, this obviously depends on what you mean when you say "DOS". Microsoft indeed bought QDOS that was written by Paterson. Kildall however wrote CP/M, which some people call "DOS" since it's a disk operating system. So, the people who claim Kildall is father of DOS refer to DOS as a concept, not as a product. This causes some confusion. In my opinion, whoever should be called "the father of DOS" depends on how you define "DOS".

I don't really know the history regarding this too well, but quick googling confirms my above view. If you know something else that's relevant to the case, do tell.


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #10 on: 17 April 2005, 02:17 »
Linus isn't evil he just lacks common sense and probably social skills, his IQ might be 180 but he lacks in many other ways.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #11 on: 17 April 2005, 02:40 »
Quote from: muzzy
Umm WMD, Linux is named Linux because it's made by Linus. Notice any resemblance in the names? Stallman has nothing to do with linux, he's only responsible for the GNU system and the GNU project. Now, GNU/Linux is called GNU because the userland is a GNU system. Plain and simple, the operating system from userland perspective is GNU, not Linux. Linux is indeed just the kernel as you note, and as of such it has nothing to do with Stallman.

Linus is the father of Linux alright.

I know all that.  But the poster I was responding to mentioned how much of an "icon" he is.  I really wouldn't think so, since much of what "Linux" stands for has nothing to do with Linus's kernel.  I don't think he's worth iconic status just for supplying a kernel to a movement to which he doesn't agree with very often.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #12 on: 17 April 2005, 02:43 »
Quote from: muzzy
Well, this obviously depends on what you mean when you say "DOS". Microsoft indeed bought QDOS that was written by Paterson. Kildall however wrote CP/M, which some people call "DOS" since it's a disk operating system. So, the people who claim Kildall is father of DOS refer to DOS as a concept, not as a product. This causes some confusion. In my opinion, whoever should be called "the father of DOS" depends on how you define "DOS".

I don't really know the history regarding this too well, but quick googling confirms my above view. If you know something else that's relevant to the case, do tell.

QDOS ripped off CP/M.  In fact, QDOS contained one of Gary Kildall's easter eggs.  Microsoft removed this later, obviously.
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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #13 on: 17 April 2005, 10:21 »
How about I go document all your fucking flaws, you lot of morons.

Give Linus a break, he is not some free software activist, he is a programmer, and a better programmer then anybody else on this site. He just enjoys programming which of course means he enjoys the Open Source concept.


In my book, what matters is what you do - whether you want
to sell things is your personal choice, but even more
importantly it is not a moral negative or positive. I'm a
big believer in open source as creating good stuff, but
I don't think it's a moral issue. It's engineering.

So I think open source tends to become technically better
over time (but it does take time), but I don't think it's
a moral imperative. I do open source because it's fun, and
because I think it makes sense in the long run.


Linus isn't evil he just lacks common sense and probably social skills, his IQ might be 180 but he lacks in many other ways.

He has more commen sense then you lot, he doesn't want to take part in some hate drive. Linus just wants to have fun, he actually lives while you lot of retards take part in HATE, notice what this entire forum is built on, HATE, and Linus does not take part in that. He just wants to be productive and not stir the pot. Naturally you people are going to take part in HATE, and naturally you people will see difference to other peaceful people who don't.


"That's the issue you're not addressing with your post. Why does doing this with BK cause problems, and doing it with SMB does not ?"

Maybe because doing it to Samba, didn't screw it up for the developers, this has screwed it up for the developers. Tridgel violated a licence he very well knew about, which caused a major problem for Linux Kernel development. I doubt the no nothing loud mouth's of this forum have noticed how much slower it is now, because they don't have anything to do with it. However there has been a major drop in the amount of releases, and that is: tridgels fault.


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Re: Linus is EVIL
« Reply #14 on: 17 April 2005, 18:48 »
Indeed, I was referring to Linux, not GNU/Linux. And i think Linus deserves the title of Father of Linux. You are right, though, that he is getting more credit than just that, and I think it's because people consider him the father of GNU/Linux, which he most certainly is not. Then again, most people barely know the difference.*

As for Tridgell, where exactly did he do anything illegal?

(I am not doubting the fact that he's causing a lot of trouble, just the fact that he's braking the law.)

*most of those people, who know what an OS is