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Convert Me! (to mac)
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by HighLamb:
iBook can run 4 to 6 hours on battery but the vaio can only have 3 hours life when use with battery (clock speed will drop to 550Mhz)
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I would be afraid my powerbook would explode if i left it running for over an hour. And it doesnt have a battery. its a powerbook 180 monochrome
im not a pro mac user, im in the process of converting to linux, but i have to say a friend gave me a apple classicII. i accidentally droped it. when i powered it up everything worked just fine. i have a old compaq that was giving to me, of course it didnt work so i opened it up to find an incredibly poor job of design. the cards were bolted to the chasis and by that they were all twisted to the point that some broke, this comp was never droped.
quote:Originally posted by avello500:
im not a pro mac user, im in the process of converting to linux, but i have to say a friend gave me a apple classicII. i accidentally droped it. when i powered it up everything worked just fine. i have a old compaq that was giving to me, of course it didnt work so i opened it up to find an incredibly poor job of design. the cards were bolted to the chasis and by that they were all twisted to the point that some broke, this comp was never droped.
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Uggh, something must have happened to it. Are you sure it wasn't dropped or sat on by star jones or something? I refuse to believe that Compaqs are that shittily put together.
[ November 23, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Commando ]
this was one of the first presario comp's.
i always thought they were of high quality and maybe i got just a fluke. what i found internally was all the cards were attached to the mobo and attachesd to the chassis, unfortunatly all the holes didnt line up so some cards were twisted inside. i think the fall is what caused some cards to break, it gave that little extra stress. i have been able to open another compaq pres.. and didnt find the same problems so maybe it was a fluke?
I dunno... maybe the first Compaq was put together by a duMba$s? when i was in high school, they ran a lab of Compaq 486DX4/80's that i was in charge of supporting... every time i set up a new one, it didnt look like that, but after some of the teachers made their own "upgrades" (I dont like the way that looks, is that the board that has all the porn on it? and takes all the nics out), SOME dumbshit would krazy glue all the cards down so i couldnt fix it... i eventually said FUCK the extra credits, FUCK the $200 a month paycheck, and FUCK THE STRESS of keeping those things in one piece and running Win3.11...
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