Author Topic: Yet Another Ridiculous M$ Patent  (Read 2484 times)


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Re: Yet Another Ridiculous M$ Patent
« Reply #15 on: 2 May 2005, 23:52 »
Quote from: laukev7
It's also immature to constantly whine about how people choose to deride what they don't like, especially in a forum called 'Microsuck'.

 It's called credibility, I wonder why all the front page articles don't use it?

Using things like that makes it look like you have run out of facts to bash Microsoft with.

2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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Re: Yet Another Ridiculous M$ Patent
« Reply #16 on: 3 May 2005, 02:31 »
Ok serious mode on. :D

Quote from: skyman8081
It's called credibility, I wonder why all the front page articles don't use it?

Using things like that makes it look like you have run out of facts to bash Microsoft with.


I can see your point, but this site's name doesn't help matters however, everything in moderation is fine.

I personally use M$ more when I'm joking but I'll still use it to add emotion to what I'm saying. For example in this context "Another M$ patent" the author implies they're pissed off with Microsoft's greed. I might say
« Last Edit: 3 May 2005, 02:37 by Aloone_Jonez »
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Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu: