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Learning PERL


I want to learn perl so i went and got a book on it (PERL in easy steps) just to say its a really good book for a newb at perl or some1 who codes in it regurlaly, it has info on almost everything i can think of coding so if u want to learn perl get this book :thumbup: lol

btw if u wanna code forms it includes a formparser lib on page 128.

do you have the name of the author or editor or an ISBN number perhaps? this'd help find it to buy it, you see as i'm interested in it myself.


Author: Mike Mcgrath

IBSN: 1840782587

btw i think this book has enough for me to code a bbs, no idea for a name though :(

solemnBBS? warningBBS? :-D

incidentally, when i search for that isbn i get this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1840782587/qid%3D1114187193/026-7851467-7352458
i found it by its author though, so thanks.

btw, what's the difference between that book and this one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1840780274/ref=pd_huc_sim_1_1/026-7851467-7352458 any ideas?

ooops wrong isbn :S

right isbn: 1840782609


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