All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
My expirince with Longhorn
My current PC isn't that much faster than my old one.
Form 93 to 97 when I had my old 486 I did a few upgrades because I needed to, but I didn't upgrade form 97 to 2004 becuae I was happy with my machine. Your prediction is absurd that was 7 years and I'd still have my old 200MHz machine now and probably for a good few more years if I hadn't fucked it up.
I'm not saying people will just stop upgrading, I'm saying they will upgrade less often. Just because people like you and muzzy like to have the latest hardware it doesn't mean everyone else does. Why is it that most people's machines are over 5 years old? Because they don't need anything better.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---toadlife,
My current PC isn't that much faster than my old one.
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Your 1800mhz PC isn't much faster than your old 200mhz machine? You been drinkn' the green kool-aid today?
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez --- Form 93 to 97 when I had my old 486 I did a few upgrades because I needed to, but I didn't upgrade form 97 to 2004 becuae I was happy with my machine. Your prediction is absurd that was 7 years and I'd still have my old 200MHz machine now and probably for a good few more years if I hadn't fucked it up.
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You are the exception to the rule. The vast majority of people buy news PC's on a 3-5 year basis. That's how it's been for as long as I can remember and I've havn't seen any sign of it changing. Sure, lots of people save old machines for as long as they can, (I have a 500Mhz machine that serves as my router, and my wife uses my old 750mhz machine) but your average consumer wants all of the new whiz-bang features of new PC's and they end up buying new computers - regardless of the usefullness of their current machines. Oh - and I still stand by my assetion that X86 PC's are junk, and are NOT designed to last more than 5 years.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez --- I'm not saying people will just stop upgrading, I'm saying they will upgrade less often.
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Like, I said before, I've seen this prediction made over and over in the last several years, yet it is consistently been proven wrong by the market. Do you have any evidence to show that people are upgrading their machine less often nowadays?
--- Quote ---Just because people like you and muzzy like to have the latest hardware it doesn't mean everyone else does.
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My last hardware purchase (athlonxp 2800/asusMB/512 memory) was over two years ago. I did recently buy two hard drives, bu that was because my six year old hard drives were going bad. In computer terms, mny hardware is "middle-aged".
--- Quote ---Why is it that most people's machines are over 5 years old? Because they don't need anything better.
--- End quote ---
Most peopl's machines are five years old? Again, do you have any data to prove that claim?
Since I asked you for data to back up your opinions, I an obligated to reciprocate:,7204,15048643%5E15317%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html
--- Quote from: BobTheHob ---My opinon is not based solely upon the lonhorn beta, my opinon is derived for the lack of programming capability on microhard-phallus's part. To tell you the truth, if hell was ever to freeze over and by some freak occurance winblows was made open source, i still wouldent use it.
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I bet you'd regret that decision when you saw the source, it's apparently really solid stuff and very high quality. With the exception of some random userland software with random bugs. And obviously, I'm talking about the NT-tree, windows 2000 and so on. Win9x has plenty of evil black magic in it (at least based on what the binaries look like)
--- Quote from: BobTheHob ---microblow disgusts me with their unlawful FUD tactics and their general disregard of the basic practices of human decency.
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Well, I can respect that. However, on technical side, Windows still owns your ass. I've never liked the corporate strategies myself, and I've kinda decided to not care about it. The evil is in the state of corporate world in general, not Microsoft alone.
--- Quote from: muzzy ---However, on technical side, Windows still owns your ass.
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That is a very false statement in more ways than one, no objects, whether animate or inanimate are ever allowed access to my ass, my ass is very much a one-way street. Anyways, no offense but what the fuck are you doing here anyways, you obiously like microsoft, i dunno why, cuz there are no reasons to.
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