All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
My expirince with Longhorn
--- Quote from: thomasrocks1 ---Not to mention how slow it runs on ym Athlon XP 2400+...
--- End quote ---
PC users are going to get a slight, though more severe taste of what Mac users went through five years ago in terms of migrating to an OS that demands more resources than what the most recent low-end machines offer.
The main difference being that a Mac from 1999 will run faster with Tiger installed than it would Puma or Cheetah. Don't expect the same to happen with Longhorn.
Job's claims that Tiger is going to be the last major OS X update for some time, as well. That means machines up to six years old will be adequately running an up-to-date OS for another three years or longer.
Most non computer geeks have fairly low-end machines so I can't see many people bothering to upgrade to Longhorn. I think the majority will just stick with XP. Most new software today will run on Windows 2000 (some only requires 98 or even 95) so I don't think Longhorn will become mandatory in the near future. We still use Windows 2000 at work on 128MB 650MHz machines and at college so if Windows XP hasn't become dominant in 4 years of its release I think MS will have a hard task to push everyone to upgrade to Longhorn. Because high end machines aren't required for most tasks poeple are upgrading less often and MS are just shooting them selves in the foot by making the mimimum hard requirements so high.
Micorosft has never made the bulk of their OS profits from retail upgrades. They make it from computers which come with the OS preinstalled. People will continue to buy new computers, and those new computers will start to have Longhorn on them.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Are you sure it's the latest version though?
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version 4074 is on IRC, i can't be arsed to give linkage, plus i don't want to subject you to torture so i suggest some *NIX instead, you will be alot happier, its not that hard to find really, use packetnews or something, 4074 is about the latest you will be able to get a hold of, i don't really suggest it though, as it is trashy, not unlike every other microsoft product.
--- Quote from: toadlife ---Micorosft has never made the bulk of their OS profits from retail upgrades. They make it from computers which come with the OS preinstalled. People will continue to buy new computers, and those new computers will start to have Longhorn on them.
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Because most people are currently happy with their current hardware they won't bother to upgrade as often as they have in the past. As I've said before most people don't bother with the lastest hardware, most of the computers at work are 5 years old or older. You just don't need a lot of computing power for what most people use their computers for.
I only use my PC for word processing, colege work, surfing the net and maybe watching the odd DVD, now why would I need anything more powerfull than my 1800MHz 256MB machine? I've said on many occasions before I was happy with my old 200MHz 32MB machine until I spilt my drink on its motherboard last year. Someone on another forum was until very recently using a 486 and nothing else until it got slow, and it would've probably be ok if he just reinstalled Widnows 98, but he decided to buy a new 2.93GHz machine for some reason.
I certainly won't consider upgrading until a long time into the furture probably at least 10 or more years from now if ever.
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