Author Topic: Internet Explorer history  (Read 1408 times)


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Internet Explorer history
« on: 27 April 2005, 06:16 »
When I work with files on my XP system, the file details always end up in IE history. This includes files downloaded with Opera, things opened in Word etc. I don't use IE itself for anything. (Just talking about IE makes me angry.)

Now I know this may seem incredible, but there are times when I actually don't want everything I do on my system recorded in history for everyone else using the system to see. I would at least like to have the option.

Then of course, we all know that the history purge in IE is unreliable BUG INFESTED CRAP. Numerous known problems are listed on the MS web site.

Does anyone know how to disable the collection of history in IE completely?


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Re: Internet Explorer history
« Reply #1 on: 27 April 2005, 06:56 »
I googled for a bit and i came across this page, here is a quote of the part your are looking for.

I dunno if it works or not, cuz i just found it with google.


 2) Disable the IE History folder:
 In IE, select View | Internet Options...| General. In the History section change the value for "Days to keep pages in history" to 0. Then select the 'Clear History' button to delete current folders. Next select Windows 'Start | Shut Down...' and select ' Restart in MS-DOS mode'
At the C prompt, change the directory to 'C:/Windows/History/Content.ie5' (from the C prompt type cd windows then cd history, and then cd content.ie5 .)
Type dir The dir command should return a listing of one file called index.dat. If you do not see it try "dir /A:h " to show hidden files. The files listed in the Windows/History folder are actually just this one file. Now change the index.dat file to read-only with the following DOS command:
 Attrib +r index.dat  
 If you run into problems or are not satisfied with the results, you can restore the file to its original state by typing:
 Attrib -r index.dat
 To confirm that index.dat is read-only type:
 Attrib index.dat
 DOS will return something like:
 A R index.dat  
 The 'R' indicates read-only. Now type exit & return to Windows.
Note: Once you've made the index.dat file read-only IE will generate a new copy of the current index.dat file in another location. Use Windows Find to locate the new one. I had to set the file 3 times to read-only before IE stopped generating new index.dat files. You should be able to tell that the file is inactive by looking at the last time the file was last modified in Windows Explorer.

edit: I just realized thats for 95 & 98, might still work, i dunno
The meaning of my username "BobTheHob":
It is well known that "Bob" is a nickname for robert in modern times, a lesser known nickname for robert is that of "Hob". Hob is a nickname for robert from the "Middle English" dialect. This is the version of english spoken and written around the late middle ages. Thus my username can be percieved like "RobertTheRobert" which is redundant. As I always like to say "Simplicity in redundancy, and elegance in simplicity".


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Re: Internet Explorer history
« Reply #2 on: 27 April 2005, 15:47 »
Quote from: hubert999

Does anyone know how to disable the collection of history in IE completely?


use mozilla or firefox.

or konqueror or galeon or epiphany or opera or netscape or dillo.
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Re: Internet Explorer history
« Reply #3 on: 27 April 2005, 16:19 »
Quote from: Calum

use mozilla or firefox.

or konqueror or galeon or epiphany or opera or netscape or dillo.

Fuck what I said, Calum said the obvious answer I didnt think of :thumbup:
The meaning of my username "BobTheHob":
It is well known that "Bob" is a nickname for robert in modern times, a lesser known nickname for robert is that of "Hob". Hob is a nickname for robert from the "Middle English" dialect. This is the version of english spoken and written around the late middle ages. Thus my username can be percieved like "RobertTheRobert" which is redundant. As I always like to say "Simplicity in redundancy, and elegance in simplicity".


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Re: Internet Explorer history
« Reply #4 on: 28 April 2005, 05:04 »
Thanks Bob, that's fixed it.

You can't start up in DOS mode, but I was surprised to find that you can change the attributes on those index.dats and they stay changed.

Sure enough, IE created three different index.dats (Local Settings\Temp\Cookies, Local Settings\Temp\History\History.IE5, and Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5) before finally giving up.

I also set Local Settings\History to read only. IE history seems to be sourced from multiple places, as you might expect from such a convoluted, over-engineered, poorly designed product.