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Well, I don't mean to start a flamewar here, but programming is not something you learn by taking a few classes. You might learn the basics in a year or two, but that doesn't get you very far.

Regarding "witty retorts", what are you referring to, exactly? You can't just rant about stuff and then clear everything you said with "the stuff you didn't get was just me being witty". You're just trying to make this even more personal than it is already, by trying to categorize me as either someone who agrees, or someone who doesn't get it. You don't seem to have a category for people who disagree, so you're throwing all of those into "doesn't get it" category.

Either way, you probably do have better things to do than debug windows. Then again, debugging might not be necessary if your problems stem from merely not understanding something. You never told any of your problems with windows, and as of such I won't have much to discuss objectively. The way you represent your programming skills, however, suggest that you'd like to have the sources available so that someone else could fix them, not you.


--- Quote from: muzzy ---Well, I don't mean to start a flamewar here, but programming is not something you learn by taking a few classes. You might learn the basics in a year or two, but that doesn't get you very far.

Regarding "witty retorts", what are you referring to, exactly? You can't just rant about stuff and then clear everything you said with "the stuff you didn't get was just mewell being witty". You're just trying to make this even more personal than it is already, by trying to categorize me as either someone who agrees, or someone who doesn't get it. You don't seem to have a category for people who disagree, so you're throwing all of those into "doesn't get it" category.

Either way, you probably do have better things to do than debug windows. Then again, debugging might not be necessary if your problems stem from merely not understanding something. You never told any of your problems with windows, and as of such I won't have much to discuss objectively. The way you represent your programming skills, however, suggest that you'd like to have the sources available so that someone else could fix them, not you.
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I have been using computers for a very very long time, most of that time i have known C quite well, having taught myself, later C++, those happen to have been required courses for my CNT degree, so I had to take them, I took C# and PHP scripting classes as my choice, I would have just taught myself if i wasen't required to take some course or another anyway. In fact, I didn't even learn much from any of the classes. I have since taught myself more of the latter languages. I consider programming a good skill to have, not to excersise for the hell of it. I only taught myself C and C++ to make software that I absolutly needed. I dont enjoy programming, I would much rather be off overseeing an network somewhere. I enjoy networking, which is why i chose it as my career. I don't even like any *nix enough to contribute source code, so why the fuck would I try to improve windows which I don't even use anymore, ever, for any reason. I would be happy to see all MS source be released, but that would be mostly so that all the bugs would be worked out so i don't have to deal with occasional extreme network congestion due to the bug laden windoze.

Alright muzzy, now go take your Sulfuric Acid shower that I prescribed so I don't have to see your posts anymore. You never make any fucking sense whatsoever.

i am honestly really sorry about the following comment, i tried to resist, i really did...

--- Quote ---well that, and some of those languages were required for my CNT degree
--- End quote ---

does this mean you are now a fully qualified CNT? :-D :-D :-D

do you have to do more exams to be a total CNT? or perhaps a complete CNT?


--- Quote from: Calum ---i am honestly really sorry about the following comment, i tried to resist, i really did...

does this mean you are now a fully qualified CNT? :-D :-D :-D

do you have to do more exams to be a total CNT? or perhaps a complete CNT?
--- End quote ---
lol, they were courses that I was required to take for my CNT (Computer Networking Technology) degree, I have about 12 weeks left until I graduate.

You mean there's such a thing as work for a post-graduate CNT? :D

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D


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