If I could change things, I would have a registery cleaner which automatically cleansed it without you having to download one and trying to read the instructions on how to use it. Not all people are computer literate and some of the stuff is beyond our comprehension.
But when you screw something up trying to clean the registry, you either must buy a new computer or pay someone to come straighten up your mess, and not all techs are knowledgable with the registry keys either. But buying a registry cleaner or even using one of the free ones, doesn't tell you much on how to use it. Besides that, the ones for sale, Microsoft probably owns those anyway!
Also, in order to open certain files, it says you need RAR to do it with, and if you don't have it, which most of the computers don't come loaded with, you have to buy that too. Anything to make a buck for the 'Rich Microsoft!!' Also, in using the Microsoft Clipart, it's totally different from years ago where they made things much simplier. Even now, it's hard to download clipart. They need to KISS (keep it simple stupid) !! MicroManny:thumbdwn: