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If you ran MS.

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--- Quote from: skyman8081 --- I would also create a new API that is more strict and secure with strict application guidlines to go with it and send it to all developers with an ultimatum, make your applications work with this new API, or you won't be able to run them on the next iteration of Windows.
--- End quote ---

That's easy to say, but in practice it's almost allways market suicide. Ditching backward compatibility is one of the primary factors that led to Apple losing almost all of their share in mainstream PC market in the mid to late eighties. When Apple moved away from the Apple II series to the Macintosh, users were forced wih a choice - Buy a Macintosh and replace every peice of software, or buy a PC - there was NO middle ground, as the two platforms were completely different, and completely incompatible. Users complained but it was too late for Apple to do anything. Most people ended up buying PC's, as you could buy an entire PC, plus software for the same price as just buying just the Machintosh. As a result of this, Apple's market share declined from something respectable (15%?) to almost nothing (1-2%?).

Ironically, Microsoft virtually "rescued" Apple from bankruptcy in 1997. Microsoft invested $150 Million in non-voting stock in 1997 - right around the time Steve jobs came back on the scene. This is how IE came to be the default browser in MacOS for a few years. Since the Macintosh arrived, all subsequent versions of MacOS have been backward compatible to previous MacOS versions, and they have slowly gained back a little bit if their marketshare. Apple learned their lesson, and was a painfull one.


--- Quote ---As a result of this, Apple's market share declined from something respectable (15%?) to almost nothing (1-2%?).
--- End quote ---

The Apple II had 29% at its high point.  Macintosh had about 10% in 1990, and slowly bled to an apparent 3% as of last year.  Many question the current numbers, however.

Ahh. That's why I put question marks by my marketshare numbers.


--- Quote ---Many question the current numbers, however.
--- End quote ---

It seems to me like Apple has been gaining marketshare in the past couple of years. This is just going by how many people I've met that owned Mac's compared to how many I knew several years ago. Perhaps the statistics are lagging, and the 3% was actually a reality a few years ago.

I actually seem to remember noticing a "Top 50 growing corps" article in Information Week a couple weeks ago. They also had a top 25 list which apple was on and microsoft was not, lol. I'm at college atm, I'll dig it out the filing cabinet and post it when i get home tonight.


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