Author Topic: My first perl script  (Read 1997 times)


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My first perl script
« on: 27 April 2005, 23:30 »
well my first perl page is a registration page for my new mail server im setting up soon, technicly its 4 scripts, 1 page and 3 scripts, once ive done more debugging and done stuff like add graphics ill post source, btw i might wait until i learn enough to code a complete mail server manager in perl, it reqires minimal extras, no mysql, no php ect all it needs is a web server and perl to be installed (the shebang line will need to be changed for non linux) and all the information such as users is in files, the user the script runs as must have read write access to the data folders (hint hint chmod -R 700 all folder except the cgi-bin dir and set owner of all the files to root and use SUExec) :thumbup:

btw does any1 know how to use imap in perl?
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