Author Topic: From windows to Linux...  (Read 1889 times)


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From windows to Linux...
« on: 7 August 2002, 05:46 »

I am new to the Linux concept but have done some reading on it and have come to the conclusion that I am fed up with the Windows OS!  I want to switch COLD TURKEY to Linux.  The version that I have found to be the best IMO (correct me if I am wrong) is Mandrake Linux.  I have a couple of questions about making the switch:

1.  Can I install Mandrake Linux (from a cd that I made from an image (ISO) that I downloaded off of Mandrake's site) after formatting my hardrive and wiping windows off?  Or do I have to use another hard drive as a master with Windows on it and install it onto the blank slave?  I want to install this cleanly and get rid of any hidden crap that windows may leave behind (by formatting it first).  It's just my way of assuring myself that windows is truely dead.

2.  Will windows software work on Mandrake Linux?  If I were to go to Lycos (which from what I can tell has no downloads for Linux) and download an MP3 player for windows (version ?) will it work on a Linux machine?

3.  What about Microsft Office?  My life (or work life) is all on that program but it too buggy!  What can I do about that?

4.  The machine that this will be going onto has an all in one integrated motherboard.  This motherboard (Pc Chips MB810L) has audio, video, and LAN all built onto it and the drivers are all SiS (which do not offer Linux driver dowloads on their site).  I had a hell of a time finding the drivers for this motherboard to get it to work with windows (which coincedentaly did not come with the neccessary drivers that were needed) and I hope that I will not have the same problem with Linux.  Is there a solution for this?

Sorry for asking so many questions but this is a serious thing for me and I want to make sure that I do it right.

Thanx in advance and I apologize for the length!
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #1 on: 7 August 2002, 06:14 »
If I were you, I would install Mandrake as a dual boot just in case your mobo didn't work with linux, but there is a good chance that it would. Another reason to dual boot is so you can convert your office projects to a format that staroffice or openoffice can read well. Windows software will run if you use wine. I have Half-Life and Soldier of Fortune 2 running under Mandrake 8.1 right now. But you can't do multiple cd installs from windows easily. I haven't figured it out yet. And you should be able to install from an internet image. Have fun with linux!
"George Bush says 'we are losing the war on drugs'. Well you know what that implies? There's a war going on, and people on drugs are winning it! Well what does that tell you about drugs? Some smart, creative motherfuckers on that side."  --Bill Hicks


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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #2 on: 7 August 2002, 06:36 »
hmmm, for the mp3 player use a program called xmms. i have been using it at i find it atleast on winamps level of greatness. as for msoffice. try the openoffice suite. i use it to do my school work with. it can read and write word files quite well. as for booting it. just burn it as a disc image and not as a file on the disc/*done that before har har i felt dumb*/ some windows software will work under windows using a prog called wine or one called winex, wine is free, winex costs 15 bucks for a 3 months subscription, but i think it worthit. and for driver problems, under linux i personaly have had less problems then i did with windows, and i don't even know what motherboards im using right now, on is a gigabye one for k6's. and mandrake probably would be a good solution for you. and about asking *linux* questiions, we don't  mind, in fact alot of us like to answer linux questions, just don't come for windows support/*obvios, the sites name is fuck microsoft dar*/ well, welcome to the boards and have phun
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #3 on: 7 August 2002, 06:41 »
and aslo do yourself a favor and go buy a book on linux, it will help you so you can make use of linux without a hard time/*unless a solarise admin lives next door, but hes moving now DOH!!!*/
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #4 on: 7 August 2002, 06:49 »
Based on what you two have said, Linux should be pretty easy to install and use.  I have another computer that I would like to switch to Linux (It's my Mom's and she's having some difficulty with the idea.  Don't worry, I'm workin on her  ;)    ) and it is an HP Pavilion with the Pentium III.  All of the hardware is 'stock' except for the hardrive which shouldn't be a problem.  Will Linux work with this one?  

If Linux will not work with the hardware built onto the other board that I have, will I have to buy compatible hardware for it?  I only have two PCI slots (it's a micro ATX) so if Linux will not work than I'll have to choose what two are most important of the three built in's.   :(

Thanx for the Help guys!
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #5 on: 9 August 2002, 04:35 »
if you have mandrake 8.1 you can use the linux4win and not have to worry about formatting your hd yet.

first thing you should do tho is search for every driver you think you might need for sound/video/lan etc. most of them will be on the install disks but ocasionally you will ruin into a hard time finding drivers for newer equipment. (damn you creative finish making the linux drivers for the audigy cards!!!)
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #6 on: 9 August 2002, 22:51 »
I hate to be a bugaboo (I have a tendancy to ask a lot of questions so forgive me.  Or just slap me.   ) but I took my freshly burned linux discs home and tried to install it on my mom's HP Pavilion.  I started the computer up with the CD in (the same way I did it at work) and it loaded for about 15 seconds and the same error message came up!  Said that it couldn't initialize (or something) the RAM Disk!  It also said (just like before) that this could either be a hardware problem or a Linux kernel bug!  I hope it is not the bug but it looks like it is which means that I will have to download it again!  NOOOOOO!  Is there anyway around this?  Is there anyway top keep from re-downloading this?  Any help is VERY appreaciated!
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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #7 on: 10 August 2002, 00:09 »
Why not just stick with what works?  If you think MS Office is buggy, you're going to thing staroffice is unusable!  It takes 15 seconds to load even on the fastest computer, and the fonts are awful.  I doubt your mother will be able to use Linux either (not that she's dumb or anything, but Linux isn't exactly intuative)  Linux just doesn't have the 'polish' of Windows if you know what I mean.  You say you have problems installing Linux.  Let me tell you, you're not the only one!  Every single time I install Linux I have to hold my breath in anticipation of a crash or a fatal error.  If you want an easy to use, powerful OS then your only alternative to Windows is Mac OS, but even that is a pretty lame solution.  Take my advice; you already have Windows, so stick with it! I assure you, Linux will not solve any of your problems.


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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #8 on: 10 August 2002, 00:54 »
You have trouble installing it XP cause you are a moron. Am ruuning RH7.3 on a 356Celeron Dell Inspiron3500  Laptop and it doesnt take 15 seconds to load Star.
  Where the fuck you get these numbers boy?

 Anyway back to the original Question.
TheGreatPoo Go buy a Book that deals with RedHat7.2 or 7.3 or with Mandrake 8.1. They have the Distros in CDs on the book cover. These books cost about 49 Dollars.
I am saying this because its the safest way to do it. you dont have to worry if your media is messed up or if you Downaloaded all the correct files. Its ready to go and install.

  Now if you are SURE that your media is in good shape and that you have Downloaded all the correct files then , man i dont know what to say to you. I  never encountered that error message.


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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #9 on: 14 August 2002, 17:42 »
Your hardware is very nicely supported, I have almost the same MoBo (M810MLR), and I haven't had any problems. Forget about 3d games though with the on board graphics, SiS OpenGL is very shaky. I did get Unreal to run decently.


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From windows to Linux...
« Reply #10 on: 14 August 2002, 19:26 »
If it is a bug, and the errata page covers it it is just a file you copy to a floppy disk, don't need to DL again, as you are only downloading the same software. Until you get a later version the bug fix will not be included.
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