All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

A shattering experience with Windows

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--- Quote from: BobTheHob ---I wouldent care if the desktop icons looked like vaginas which were interactive with a cursor shaped like a dildo. Its i microsoft product, I can see no reason good enough to use it.
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Being very creative in your zealotry I see.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---Being very creative in your zealotry I see.
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Being very selective in your intrinsic misnomers, I see.  :D


--- Quote from: Orethrius ---Being very selective in your intrinsic misnomers, I see.  :D
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On the contrary, my choice of the terms is quite approriate.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---On the contrary, my choice of the terms is quite approriate.
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Indeed, but the inherent connotation you attempt to abuse is not.  :rolleyes:


--- Quote from: Orethrius ---Indeed, but the inherent connotation you attempt to abuse is not.  :rolleyes:
--- End quote ---

I disagree.


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