Author Topic: Apple may use Intel chips...  (Read 1757 times)


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Apple may use Intel chips...
« on: 24 May 2005, 08:10 »

man, only problem I have with APPLE is there damn machines are so expensive...
They need to think about the companies future and IPOD is not going to keep them alive forever you know.

hopefully they would use AMD too haha  ;)
huh, what?


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2005, 12:12 »
There's an AMD CPU in Airport; the iPod uses an ARM CPU.  Some Macs have Intel gigabit ethernet chipsets (and maybe even USB).  Intel makes a lot of other 'chips' aside from CPUs.

Do you realize how demanding it was for software manufactures to make the switch from OS 9 to OS X?  Do you think Adobe, Macromedia, and Microsoft are going to jump at an opportunity to recompile all their software for X86 CPUs?  Do you think people are going to repurchase all their software again for a new architecture?  Do you think Mac users could actually tolerate any of the streaming hot, high power consuming, CPUs Intel or AMD has to offer?  PPC is just fine.

As for expense, I don't know what price Apple has to lower themselves to before people quit whining.  It seems like some people are just begging them to release a third-rate piece of garbage, which would end up harming their bottom line in the long run (remember the Performas?)  If Apple released a $200 machine people would still bitch that some obscure Chinese reseller is offering blah blah blah, for $150.


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2005, 12:27 »
I am not impressed. One would hope they follow this up with an x86 version of OS X.
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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2005, 18:33 »
You will not get OSX on the x86. The only people who want it are pc nerds who want a cheap mac. Macs are quality because Apple has such a tight grip on their hardware. Why would they just throw that away for a handful of pc users? In the end, what you end up with is a bunch of pissed of PC users who didn't get their cheap macs, and pissed of Apple loyalists, who do not want to see their platform change. If anything, I would see more people switching to PPC. Even microsoft is using PPC in their new xbox. Same Windows kernel right? Now on ppc?

The price, to me, is justified. I have 2 macs at home now, and I have never been happier using a computer :)


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2005, 18:37 »
Quote from: xyle_one
Same Windows kernel right? Now on ppc?

Isn't that hard. The first Windows NT was also made for PPC.


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #5 on: 24 May 2005, 18:39 »
PearPC is an architecture-independent PowerPC platform emulator capable of    running most PowerPC operating systems.
I know it's not the same but what the hell.
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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #6 on: 24 May 2005, 18:41 »
Quote from: Refalm
Isn't that hard. The first Windows NT was also made for PPC.

That's true. I had forgotten about that.

I would be curious to see XP running on some dual G5s...


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #7 on: 26 May 2005, 11:10 »


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Re: Apple may use Intel chips...
« Reply #8 on: 26 May 2005, 21:05 »
Quote from: kintaro

Kintaro, what purpose does this post serve?

Is it just to boost your post count? :D
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