All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

MSN Chat

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Yeah, I've got Tiger. And Fire seems to be working now.

I used to have Fire, but Adium was much more stable for me. Plus, Adium uses libgaim, so it is almost like using the real gaim.... underneath... kinda... nevermind....

Everyone I know uses ICQ or MSN. I still prefer Jabber, even if it had to be for moral reasons only.

Thanks for the responses. I am aware of the many alternatives to MSN but my original question stands. Does the Windows operating system log chat history somewhere even though the archive feature is flagged to off.:)

Now I honestly do not know that, but what I DO know is that, as many have repeatedly said before on these fora, this is not MS product support. Most people here are happy to help, as long as it involves removing at least one MS logo from someone's computer.

On the other hand, we cannot expect Microsoft to tell you the truth on that one...


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