All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why is my windoze so damned SLOW?
--- Quote from: Shiver ---Windoze XP does boot fast, but I can only laugh at the idea it's because of any special file arrangement or such. Just look at file table using any defragmenter and you'll notice that the windoze partition has thousands of fragmented files after a couple of days since the last defragmentation - even though it was run with optimizations such as placing the files in order of last access.
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It depends on the file system, I've had my 40GB hard drive for over a year now and it still doesn't need defragmenting and it's 35% full, my FAT32 on the other hand is 60GB patition (the rest is Linux) on an 80GB hard drive is only 15% full and it needs defragmenting quite often.
I would imagine that the system files required to boot are in boot order starting from the boot sector onwards and for this reason they're only moved when a major change is made to the configuration When this happens Windows rearranges them in correct the boot order after a few boots, this is why Windows took a lot longer to boot after I installed SP2 but it speeded up after successive boots. Oh and these Windows XP's boot speed optimisations don't work with FAT32 file systems because they rely on special features that NTFS has and FAT32 simply doesn't have.
--- Quote from: Shiver ---On the other hand, the boot-up time on Linux depends on what distro, software and services you use. Many "regular" distros seem to come with a huge load of unneccessary stuff to make sure they run on as many systems as possible, as well as a kernel that has support for everything. My Suse 9.3 takes maybe a minute to boot up, when I tried Gentoo, it took about as long as windoze to get to the point where the login screen appears. I didn't have KDE load automatically so I can't say for sure but judging by the time Suse takes to get to the same point where Gentoo stops in text mode, it's pretty fast. Too bad I couldn't get anything else working properly on Gentoo so I switched back to Suse.
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This is the problem with comparing Windows to Linux. Windows is Windows and Linux is just a kernel. One Linux distrobution can be better (or worse) than another.
I think that everybody should use Linux, regardless of their needs. Because I am the supreme ruler of the universe and I don't think anybody should be allowed the use Windows. Neophytes.
Alot of people use Windows due to Buissness reasons, but want to use Linux/Mac/Etc. Also, you are giving Linux a bad name.
Easy !!!
Couse Windows Sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---e7ement,
You're the first person I've heard say that, have you run Windows XP and 2000 on the same hardware before?
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Yeah. I'm talking about xp on a fresh install with no tweaks. Sometimes takes as much as 2 minutes, even when you see the desktop you can't do anything for more than 30 seconds.
after you mess with registsy, services, and msconig you can make XP boot very fast.
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