All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why is my windoze so damned SLOW?

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--- Quote from: Calum ---yes, XFce kicks ass, and is best. i would watch yourself though guys, if you suggest it's better than windows, you might fall foul of some of the wild moderators roaming these parts at the moment!
--- End quote ---

XFce sucks.  Windows blows.  It's all about Fluxbox, man,


--- Quote from: Calum ---yes, XFce kicks ass, and is best. i would watch yourself though guys, if you suggest it's better than windows, you might fall foul of some of the wild moderators roaming these parts at the moment!
--- End quote ---

 Calum, that was completely uncalled for.

You should re-think your arguments, instead of Making Ad Hominem attacks on other members.

Good Day.

I agree with skyman here, Calum you shouldn't have said that even though I agree with you that XFce roolz and Winbloze drulez.

I can understand you wanting to get back at Calum but there's no need to insult our nation as a whole. You're not just leaving just because you don't get on with a member here are you? :rolleyes:

There no need to generalise an entire nation or GUI here.

And fuck, leaving this forum only makes things worse, because you're letting someone win.


--- Quote from: Orethrius ---XFce sucks.  Windows blows.
--- End quote ---
so mature, i like how you back yourself up with hard evidence, moron.
--- Quote ---It's all about Fluxbox, man, and I'm beginning to see why we seceded from your bloody arrogant nation.
--- End quote ---
MY nation? you fucktard! when did you secede from scotland? pillock. learn some history before you go mouthing off at people round the world in typical USA style.
--- Quote --- What the hell?  I'M picking on YOU?
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and once more, it's a breach of the forum rules. you and your ilk continue to prove that you think you are above the forum rules.  
--- Quote ---That's rich.  Thanks for blending your insinuations into as MANY threads as possible.
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what the fuck? go and fuck yourself, moron, what's the big deal and why have you got such a problem? you are going to disappear right up your own ass if you're not careful. did you know that people who spend their time pissed off die younger?

--- Quote ---If anyone needs to know why I'm not posting here anymore, that'd be it right there.
--- End quote ---

oh i'm so scared. one less moron to worry about in these forums, now if only he'd leave the planet too...


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