All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why is my windoze so damned SLOW?
--- Quote from: skyman8081 ---Calum, that was completely uncalled for.
You should re-think your arguments, instead of Making Ad Hominem attacks on other members.
Good Day.
--- End quote ---
i made no attacks. i simply stated my opinion, based on my observations.
don't tell me what not to say, or what to think.
you should wait until somebody actually makes an "attack" before responding to one.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I agree with skyman here, Calum you shouldn't have said that even though I agree with you that XFce roolz and Winbloze drulez.
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agree as you will. i attacked nobody, and anybody who values free speech will NOT support this bigot who seeks to tell me what to think and say. You do not support free speech if you indeed think the above.
--- Quote ---Orethrius,
I can understand you wanting to get back at Calum but there's no need to insult our nation as a whole. You're not just leaving just because you don't get on with a member here are you? :rolleyes:
--- End quote ---
i cannot understand his bigoted idiocy, however his pathetic "patriotic" nationalistic insults are all too common for my taste, and sadly i have seen too many examples of this pathetic level of attitude to claim i no longer understand it.
Thread uncrapped. Quit fucking threads up. If you want to say some bullshit to somebody PM them. This goes for everybody.
thank you for reporting it, but I was not going to trash it because some people want to talk shit to eachother.
another one in the eye for free speech.
If you want to delete my perfectly legitimate replies to other people's libel against me, then you should also delete their original comments, since they break the forum rules at least as much as i do.
I protest against this persecution by certain forum moderators, and i demand to know what is being done about it.
beos rulez! max v3 starts up always in less than 15 secs on a celery 500 with 9GB hdd. beos makes my old computer seem fast! and new! and fast!
Mr X
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