Author Topic: Bare Windows ME_Micro  (Read 1692 times)


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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« on: 13 September 2003, 14:36 »
a bare windows is really a good  
Operating System and by bare i mean  a
Windows Me   downgraded to a 98lite micro
this means  no activeX,no scripting and no netbios
no IExplorer intertanged with the Operating System
a lighter,stableler Win95 shell installed
No Fileprotection etc installed,just a barebone
Operating System WINDOWS SHOULD BE !!!

A brief description of how my computer is installed

Drive C: 1.5GB
used for the swapfiles off all windows installed
this swapfile has a fixed size 512Mb
Directories stored:
COOKIES stores all coockies off all windows installed
DOWNPROG.FIL downloaded program files all windows
HISTORY all windows
JPI_CACH cache Sun Java
NETCACHE cache netscape
OFFLNWEB.PAG offline surfing all windows
RECENT all windows
TEMP all windows
TEMPIE cache all windowd
TMP_CACH cache all operas
I made registry settings to change those
windows protected directories to the C drive

if there is a virusinfection , its mostly onto the c
swapfile corrupted
cache,history coockies to clean
well a small batchfile formats , recreates the directories

drive d : 5 00 Mb only used for invoices
drive e 2.5 Gb
stores all program common to all windows
favorites common to all windows
setupfiles all windows
My Documents all windows
Startup all windows
all batchfiles reg files
everything i use dayly
this drive is formatted every 6 month ? to eleminate
possible defragmentation
drives F,G,H,I,J each 512Mb containing different
versions of Windows ME installed with 98lite and
IExplorer 6 sp1
Mostly I use ME_Micro which is bare +-40MB instead of
a full ME = nearly 500MB
When I got anomalies I just change to another windows ,
format that 512Mb Window drive, copy back a spare
windows, with all the program installed, which in fact stay onto drive E as Favorites,
as startup etc, I never loose anything
This takes less than 5 minutes
How long takes a virusscanner to scan ?
How long takes a defrag ?
how long takes spy and add removal ?

then I got a drive K = reserve copy for Drive E
all the other drives up to p are between 6 and 10 Gb
and used to store everything
Once in a while I empty one and format
Defrag, I never used it

I hope this will give you some idea


PS to install more windows onto the same system You
need to rename WIN.COM after each install

Afterwards rename them WIN.COM again
I didn't try it with windows 2000 or XP
Mayby if XPLITE is available I switch over ?
As for ME_Micro THIS is really solid,
Never,never it blocks

Registry entry to switch drives: rightclick startbutton,You 'll




Batchfile: Change_Win.bat


@ECHO Enter C for ME on Drive C
@ECHO Enter F for ME on Drive F
@ECHO Enter G for ME_Micro on Drive G
@ECHO Enter H for ME_Micro on Drive H
@ECHO Enter I for ME_Micro on Drive I
@ECHO Enter J for ME_Micro on Drive J
@ECHO Enter P for ME on Drive P

@E:BATchoice /C:efghijp Geef Keuze in ?

if errorlevel 7 goto P
if errorlevel 6 goto J
if errorlevel 5 goto I
if errorlevel 4 goto H
if errorlevel 3 goto G
if errorlevel 2 goto F
if errorlevel 1 goto E

; "START ME on Drive E"

@ECHO "ME on DriveC is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME on Drive F"

@ECHO "ME on Drive F is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME_Micro on Drive G"

@ECHO "ME_Micro on Drive G is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME_Micro on Drive H"
@ECHO "ME_Micro on Drive H is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME_Micro on Drive I"
@ECHO "ME_Micro on Drive I is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME_Micro on Drive J"
@ECHO "ME_Micro on Drive J is CHOOSEN"
goto END

; "START ME on Drive P"
@ECHO "ME on Drive P is CHOOSEN"


You need to make a link to this batchfile and adapt the registry file to this link

this windows has no activeX,no scripting and no netbios
so I never need a firewall as I am shielded from the outside
I only need to look at the inside , with barebone 98micro and all
programs in the registry desactivated there are only
4 programs, apart from those I installed myself,installed,
these are:

I use appswat to view the loaded programs and
see directly any strange entry and where they
are located,
so it's very easy to eliminate addware,spyware and even viruses

I just copied the screens at Gibsons:
do the test on your computer, this is the result
of mine, sorry only in txt format

NanoProbe Technology Internet Security Testing for Windows Users
by Steve Gibson, Gibson Research Corporation.
Shields UP! is checking YOUR computer's Internet
connection security . . . currently located at IP:

Please Stand By. . .

Attempting connection to your computer. . .
Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC.
It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning
as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission.
And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing,
modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
Preliminary Internet connection refused!
This is extremely favorable for your system's overall Windows File and Printer Sharing security.
Most Windows systems, with the Network Neighborhood installed, hold the NetBIOS port 139
wide open to solicit connections from all passing traffic.
Either this system has closed this usually-open port, or some equipment or software such as
a "firewall" is preventing external connection and has firmly closed the dangerous port 139 to
all passersby. (Congratulations!)
Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED.
(This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from
Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of
its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet.

Before You Break Out
the Champagne...
It is true that this server was unable to connect to your machine just now


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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« Reply #1 on: 13 September 2003, 14:46 »
By the Way
I forgot to say I really hate
Microsoft , there bare Operating System is good,You find a lot off applications,
but all the rest is really shit
IE sp1 I only use for spoofing
I never use any other program of Microshit
About Sun Java:

I updated Sun Java Yesterday and without asking me
the Windows MSI installer was installed
I got this before with other program, buit i was asked
if i wanted to, so i never installed programs or updates
if this Windows MSI installer was needed
I did it once, the result was a lot of registry_entries,
a lot of files and directories,
the installers seemed to monitoring my system
There is no uninstaller for this evil thing Microsoft
wants us to use
Have a look onto Internet and use Google Cache as those treads don't live long
I can't live with it,Microsoft imposing an installer that
can't be moved from the control panel and is monitoring me
So I'm going to do it by myself as i have always backups
I'll copy the registry files into the backup,
The Java is stored elsewhere
then i'll do a registry cleanup
So this is a warning to all of You,
Investigate and let me know
Microsoft is heavily promoting this thing,so be warned
I did all this stuff,also copied the new Java_cpl onto the old one
all is working perfectly , this Java seems to be bugfree
I can't understand why Sun is using this bloody windows installer



Doctor V

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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« Reply #2 on: 13 September 2003, 16:55 »
try peanut linux

its a very lightweight version of linux, one of the smallest.  It will still do all the stuff you need.  No, I didn't read your entire post, no one else will either.  But forget about trying to put WinMe, 98 or 95 on there, 3.1 might fit but fuck that.  Fuckmicrosoft.



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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« Reply #3 on: 17 September 2003, 12:34 »
I noticed you said you removed activex support.. what exactly do you mean by that? Because if you nuked all the OCX files in the system directory, I would be SHOCKED if Windows even worked (good luck using anything written in Visual Basic)


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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« Reply #4 on: 18 September 2003, 01:53 »
If one scrolls this message really fast it only spells MICROSOFT. How come?  :D
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous


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Bare Windows ME_Micro
« Reply #5 on: 18 September 2003, 16:39 »
damn good idea....

burn that to disk or set up a FTP with that on it.
Windows. Whats going to screw up today?

Linux.  Compiling, please wait...........

Mac OSx Are you sure you want to do that?  Are you sure your sure?  Are you really sure?  If your sure please hit Enter to continue.  You hit Enter are you sure you want to continue?