Operating Systems > macOS

Tiger VS xp VS Linux


Mac OS X Tiger is only a few days old yet already tests have been done. Here

Not really a test.... more of an opinion piece, but interesting nonetheless.

They mention that Tiger took features from Longhorn.  Apparently nobody pays enough attention.  For Spotlight to be copied from Longhorn into Tiger, Apple would've needed to have a working demo completed in a matter of months, maybe weeks.

Why compare it to MS64-bit? Windows XP 64-bit it crap right now with shit driver support. It doesn't even give a performance boost becuase nothing is written in 64-bit for it. It's like comparing a bmw to a ford.

Windows 64-bit not designed for the home user and for CAD? Are microsoft complete idiots? The only 64-bit CPU's are AMD, and AMD's are much worse performance wise in things like CAD, 3d modeling, video encoding. But AMD's do very well in gaming against Intels.

I think tiger wins this one. But in my opinion Linux does because it doens't need an apple to run on.


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