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Windows PE

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They don't support updating firmware form DOS? That sucks.

There is something similar to what you downloaded. It's called BartPE, and you can build it yourself with all kinds of plugins. Unlike that super-dooper boot thingy you downloaded, BartPE is legal to use if you own a license to Windows XP.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---They don't support updating firmware form DOS? That sucks.

There is something similar to what you downloaded. It's called BartPE, and you can build it yourself with all kinds of plugins. Unlike that super-dooper boot thingy you downloaded, BartPE is legal to use if you own a license to Windows XP.
--- End quote ---

 Illegal just makes things all the more sexy.

I once actually tried the Dutch version of Windows PE (for Windows XP Home SP1) when I worked in a computer store.

I was still impressed that Microsoft would actually take the time and effort to somehow help the OEM's and computer stores, while Microsoft blackmailed them (only install one OS per PC or no cheap Windows license for you) for a pretty long time.

Crud. I just bought a Plextor PX-716A DVD burner, and sure enough, the firmware update programs run from windows.  As soon as I backup all my Data to DVD's, I'm going to be going FreeBSD only on my PC.


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