If I were you, Bob, I'd ask the installer whether he's UL licensed. Once he gets through explaining why he's NOT (which in and of itself is a
federal crime), mention that if we all went by minor (read: unreviewed) FCC regs, he wouldn't be able to watch TV on a Saturday during a rainstorm; that laptop with the wireless connection that makes his life so much more bearable, he can forget that, since his wireless hub (according to regs) causes too much interference with other local hubs, and is only saved by a little disclaimer sticker slapped on the bottom; and that he can't listen to his radio because, oh no, it MIGHT send out a signal indicating it's receiving (even though they have no real power there, they've done it before)! It doesn't matter if those are actually enforceable or not,
he doesn't know that anymore than you do, and
any claim that "I can't install an outlet for an unlicensed appliance without just compensation :wink wink, nudge nudge:" is dubious at best. I'd refer the bloody bastard to the BBB, and if that doesn't work, wrap the PC in tinfoil as per Kintaro's suggestion. I really think he's just trying to extort some cash out of you for your ignorance of regs, I guarantee he's full of shit.

Bottom line: when in doubt, check it out. Do what you have to do to find a copy of FCC regulations for your area, and see what you have to do to make it legitimate. If he's attempting to extort you, record your next conversation with the guy, and call the police,
especially if he asks for a higher fee. Refer his name to the Better Business Bureau, and Attorney General if necessary. Don't let him get away with bullshitting you into paying extra because you don't know the regs.