Miscellaneous > Applications
Bad FireFox Hole
72-hour turnaround on a potential exploit. I've yet to see Microsoft do THAT. ;)
--- Quote from: Orethrius ---72-hour turnaround on a potential exploit. I've yet to see Microsoft do THAT. ;)
--- End quote ---
That's (part of) the power of free software.
Yea, power of free software. Just like "fixing" bugs so that same function gets rewritten 3 times, each patch not really fixing the problem but merely protecting against the specific exploit, when it's a critical vulnerability such as remote crash bug in linux kernel related to packet fragmentation. Microsoft sometimes does that too, but don't go touting about power of free software when even critical bugs can take damned long time to fix, and they STILL haven't patched several remote crash bugs in FireFox. Hell, there are heaps of open bugs which have been around for years and known by everyone. Nobody's just bothering to fix them. Power of free software my ass.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---This is proof that open source software isn't always more secure.
--- End quote ---
Oh give me a freakin break!! Comparing Firfox to IE is like comparing the Delta Force to Barney Fief.
Well they're both web browsers, and if you read my pevious posts in this thread I've already admited that post was mis-worded. My point was while this doesn't prove whether open source is more or less secure, open source isn't inherently more or less secure.
I reckon Microsoft is still patching IE but just no longer telling anyone about the exploits, they've finally figured out that this wasn't a very good marketing tatic. I've had to download several "Windows Updates" over the last few months and some have been for IE. I wouldn't've botherd because I don't use IE I use FireFox, but it's good to have a fully patched IE in case I have to use it for some shitty IE-only website.
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