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firefox is also insecure and very buggy, so recommending to use it sounds a little silly.


--- Quote from: muzzy ---firefox is also insecure and very buggy, so recommending to use it sounds a little silly.
--- End quote ---
Your just jealous


--- Quote from: muzzy ---firefox is also insecure and very buggy, so recommending to use it sounds a little silly.
--- End quote ---

Regardless of it's actuall security, Firefox has the benefit of security through obscurity right now, so recommending it isn't so silly.


--- Quote from: muzzy ---firefox is also insecure and very buggy, so recommending to use it sounds a little silly.
--- End quote ---

Prithee tell us, kindly knave, (whilst bearing in mind that a flaw found doth not amount to a flaw exploited) how a browser that is directly tied into the system might be MORE secure than a browser that exists as a separate application?


--- Quote from: WMD ---It doesn't delete everything.  The cache folders with the random names (A09FJAJD) don't get deleted.
--- End quote ---

So what the directories are still there but their contents have gone along with the contents of the index files.

You've said before you only use FireFox for looking at content that requires Java script. This would be very silly if you believe that FireFox is less secure than Internet Explorer.

We know how secure/insecure FireFox is because the bug tracking system is open so we are aware of all the known bugs. We don't know about Internet Explorer, all we can go on is past bugs and exploits and given it's track record is a lot worse than FireFox's we have to conculde that FireFox is more secure.


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