Author Topic: Firefox problems  (Read 1393 times)


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Firefox problems
« on: 14 May 2005, 03:27 »
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm having problems with Firefox!

Sometimes while I'm browsing the web (regular web pages, not necesserily heavy Flash and graphics stuff), it starts to really slow down and eventually unusable. I go to task manager, and see that Firefox is running at 99% CPU. I try to wait a minute or so hoping that it'll go back down, but it never does. I'm forced to end the task and start Firefox again. WTF?

Also, I really like to use the autocomplete feature. Instead of using bookmarks or typing the url, I just type the first letter or 2 of a URL and then scroll down the dropbox to the one I want. Recently I've noticed that it often takes a few seconds delay to show the drop box of available URLS. And it's not because there are a lot of them.

Anyone else have similar problems?


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Re: Firefox problems
« Reply #1 on: 14 May 2005, 09:19 »
Sounds like you might have a virus or spyware problem. My suggestion is to uninstall FF, download the newest version (1.0.4) and see if that helps.
On your way out of Microsoft Land feel free to smash a few Windows.


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Re: Firefox problems
« Reply #2 on: 14 May 2005, 17:01 »
Quote from: Xeen
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm having problems with Firefox!

Sometimes while I'm browsing the web (regular web pages, not necesserily heavy Flash and graphics stuff), it starts to really slow down and eventually unusable. I go to task manager, and see that Firefox is running at 99% CPU. I try to wait a minute or so hoping that it'll go back down, but it never does. I'm forced to end the task and start Firefox again. WTF?

Also, I really like to use the autocomplete feature. Instead of using bookmarks or typing the url, I just type the first letter or 2 of a URL and then scroll down the dropbox to the one I want. Recently I've noticed that it often takes a few seconds delay to show the drop box of available URLS. And it's not because there are a lot of them.

Anyone else have similar problems?

yes, firefox has a problem with very heavy sites. Sometimes it just schrolls (sp) really laggy...if you keep opening tabs to havy sites, then open a tab to java it will use like 300mbs of ram and crash out.

this is why IE and Opera are faster...but I use firefox because it's free and has extentions.


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Re: Firefox problems
« Reply #3 on: 14 May 2005, 17:01 »
yeah, im having problems with the Flash plugin too, and i have got the newest version. What OS r u running? I'm running :macos:.