Author Topic: Hardware, not easyware...  (Read 1528 times)


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Hardware, not easyware...
« on: 25 January 2002, 18:42 »
Remember i was mumping and moaning about having to run windows on my proprietary wincompatible hardware laptop? And remember i was bitching and bellyaching about how when i uninstalled windows Me and installed win98, it wouldn't recognise the modem and the PC card slot et c et c?
Well, i uninstalled 98 last night, and reinstalled winMe, for the first time, since it was preinstalled when i got the machine. Is there any other way to uninstall windows than the way i have been doing it? Namely, boot up dos from a floppy, then go to c:/ and deltree windows?
Well lo and behold, apart from a few minor hiccups, that took 10 mins to configure by hand, winMe installed perfectly and detected all the hardware without a hitch!!! what a kiss @$$ laptop i must have! the laptop even misleadingly came with drivers for 2000, 98 and NT, even though half the hardware is obviously not recognised by the OS.
btw, Smartlink, makers of the modem, although it may not have been their fault that my modem wasn't detecting were very condescending and surly when i approached them with the problem.
Just thought you might like to know. Anyone else physically chained to their WinOS by their hardware?
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Hardware, not easyware...
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2002, 23:47 »
No, I spend the 5 minutes before I buy to make sure I don't buy Win* hardware.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Hardware, not easyware...
« Reply #2 on: 26 January 2002, 16:54 »
Good idea. Suffice it to say, i was too naive, back in the day when i purchased the laptop to even think that hardware could be so lickarse to refuse to work with a particular piece of software! I have learned...
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