Author Topic: frontpage: the choice of the KKK  (Read 8326 times)


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #30 on: 24 May 2005, 16:10 »
Quote from: muzzy
Right, I don't know situations in specific areas, I don't know how KKK operates, I don't know any single member of the klan. However

Having lived in south Louisiana, USA my whole life, I have seen how they operate, and its not pretty. They really are bad people, they may not resort to public violence as much anymore, but they will harrass on site at any chance they get, calling people the "N" word, blocking their way, pushing them etc. Most of the publicity about them is infact true.
The meaning of my username "BobTheHob":
It is well known that "Bob" is a nickname for robert in modern times, a lesser known nickname for robert is that of "Hob". Hob is a nickname for robert from the "Middle English" dialect. This is the version of english spoken and written around the late middle ages. Thus my username can be percieved like "RobertTheRobert" which is redundant. As I always like to say "Simplicity in redundancy, and elegance in simplicity".


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #31 on: 24 May 2005, 18:00 »
Ouch. Well, so we've concluded that KKK is bad and evil. Fine, whatever. That doesn't make the concept of "White Pride" bad, though. Just that it's harder to be proud of being part of majority, and so much easier to harass minorities. The latter is not about being proud, however, so the "White Pride" is just lies and pretty words in that case.

Well, even if we've come to conclusion that KKK does bad things, it doesn't mean that everything KKK does is evil and wrong. Just because they've used Frontpage doesn't make frontpage tainted, just like the air they breathe isn't poisonous to others.


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #32 on: 24 May 2005, 18:25 »
Quote from: muzzy
However, I'm not going to judge anyone just because they're members of some society.
That's a lie.

Quote from: muzzy
I think windows haters are just ignorant, and want to see if this hypothesis holds true.
That means you think that a large majority of people here are ignorant.
« Last Edit: 24 May 2005, 18:54 by piratePenguin »
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #33 on: 24 May 2005, 18:46 »
Ah, piratepenguin, not knowing you I didn't have any opinion about you. Heck, I can't remember what your opinions about things are so I still don't know. What I have claimed in earlier threads about windows haters was just as big generalization as the categorization itself was. This is very similar to how I think that americans are idiots, even though I don't expect an american to be an idiot if I meet one. You just can't extrapolate any conclusions from simplifications. Also, that quote was in a context where I was trying to challenge the forums a little, to show where they stand.

So, you're trying to make this discussion personal now? Isn't that intentional derailment? (Although you could say that we haven't been on-topic for quite a while anyway, if this topic ever was on-topic)


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #34 on: 24 May 2005, 18:53 »
Quote from: muzzy
Ah, piratepenguin, not knowing you I didn't have any opinion about you. Heck, I can't remember what your opinions about things are so I still don't know. What I have claimed in earlier threads about windows haters was just as big generalization as the categorization itself was. This is very similar to how I think that americans are idiots, even though I don't expect an american to be an idiot if I meet one. You just can't extrapolate any conclusions from simplifications. Also, that quote was in a context where I was trying to challenge the forums a little, to show where they stand.

Quote from: muzzy
So, you're trying to make this discussion personal now? Isn't that intentional derailment? (Although you could say that we haven't been on-topic for quite a while anyway, if this topic ever was on-topic)
Holy fuck.
I edited my post.
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #35 on: 24 May 2005, 19:10 »
Ah, now it's correct. Yes, I indeed do think so. And I don't mean ignorant about , but rather ignorant about how Windows works and how to use it. This isn't exactly a prejudice, but rather a hypothesis. So far, the gathered data suggests it, and I haven't found many instances to the opposite. I can't remember where I said that, exactly, but I suppose I should've said "majority of", or something similar.

As an analogy, a scientist could make a hypothesis about genetics of people with certain skin color. For example, a scientist might notice that some medicine fails to work more often for people with asian origin than the rest of population, and then makes a hypothesis that asians tend to have different kind of brain chemistry than the rest of us. While this example is completely made up, this kind of stuff can happen, and definitely people from different origins have different kind of body build in many other ways than just skin color. And a lot of the time, some properties are going to correlate with skin color. Thus, suggesting that certain skin color has correlation to other, favorable or unfavorable property, is not necessarily racistic, although without data to show anything, it likely is :)

What comes to windows users, I've noticed that people who can use windows don't tend to hate it, and people who hate it don't tend to know what they're doing. There are exceptions, but knowledgeable windows users who don't like the system, typically have a very specific reasons. They don't hate the system, they just find it unfitting for their needs. Thus, only ignorant tend to hate windows, and although not all ignorant users hate windows, definitely almost all windows haters appear ignorant to how windows works. This is based on my experiences about windows users, and thus I've made my hypothesis. I have a solid reasoning for why I hold my opinion, so it's not prejudice.

This is like dwarves complaining in amusement parks about the "must be this tall to ride" restrictions and how they're soooo indiscriminating, without realizing that they're for safety reasons and the rides aren't designed for people shorter than the limit. It's not prejudice, it's just how it is.


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #36 on: 24 May 2005, 19:24 »
Quote from: muzzy
What comes to windows users, I've noticed that people who can use windows don't tend to hate it
Alot of 'em don't know any better.
There's so many million insecure and unstable Windows systems out there, and people are using them. Do they know that there are alternatives? Some of them, yes. And some of them think all the alternatives are "too hard", even before trying them.

Quote from: muzzy
and people who hate it don't tend to know what they're doing
I disagree. I'd say it's more the people who are confident with Windows, and the computer, that start to hate it. The educated folk. They eventually learn about the alternatives, learn how to use them, and then they realise that Windows really was a joke the whole time.
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #37 on: 24 May 2005, 19:40 »
That's just the beginning of the learning curve. The alternatives are often easier to learn. I used to hate windows, too, during win-9x times. I used linux for quite a while back then. However, the NT series changed me, as I realized how the design really worked. The default installations are quite messy, but the core OS is just absolutely kickass. The windows native kernel wins linux any day, and the win32 subsystem wins xfree any day.


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #38 on: 24 May 2005, 19:59 »
Quote from: muzzy
That's just the beginning of the learning curve. The alternatives are often easier to learn.
I disagree ... WTF? Alot of Windows users barely get past installing the alternatives.

Which is more user-friendly in your opinion muzzy, Windows or "the alternatives" (you may list as many as you like)?

And what are your thoughts on this:
Unix stores the smarts in the user; Windows stores the smarts in the OS.
Might wanna read the rest of that rant (and the rest on that site) if ya like, it's frikkin' class.
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #39 on: 25 May 2005, 04:21 »
Has muzzy become the next Great_Satan?


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #40 on: 25 May 2005, 05:16 »
Quote from: thomasrocks1
Has muzzy become the next Great_Satan?

Was that REALLY needed?
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #41 on: 25 May 2005, 18:19 »
why don't you shut the hell up and let the discussion continue? this is one of the few discussions you and your type have not managed to shut down yet.


Certain manifestations of so-called Christianity are no less innocent than the KKK. Coincidentally, those contemporary manifestations tend to be share many of the KKK's ideologies with regards to race and cultural imperialism.

interestingly the KKK is *part* of the history of christianity.
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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #42 on: 27 May 2005, 00:30 »
the reason that they made the page with that is-

they are not computer geeks, and use something commonly available, easy to use

microsoft is the most poopular OS, so they 'happen' to be using it

im sure it was not 'planned' they could of easily made it with something like NvU or something but it just didnt cross their minds// its not like you can prove someone is evil like microsoft, if they use their products. right, muzzy?

Mr X


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #43 on: 27 May 2005, 00:47 »
I think the key point most of the people here are missing is that this thread was most likely started in a humourous manner. Sure the KKK is evil but thats for other reasons, and to alot of us here, microsoft is evil as well. Although as MrX pointed out, just because people use microsoft products doesent mean their evil, it just usually means they don't know any better.

@thomasrocks1: Sure that was a trollish statement muzzy made, but ya know what? I realized recently, if you don't like it, you can just ignore it. Trolling is just that, trolling, to flame is to let the troller declare YHBT, which is just plain embarrasing. Therefore, I'm just gonna ignore stuff like that from now on.
The meaning of my username "BobTheHob":
It is well known that "Bob" is a nickname for robert in modern times, a lesser known nickname for robert is that of "Hob". Hob is a nickname for robert from the "Middle English" dialect. This is the version of english spoken and written around the late middle ages. Thus my username can be percieved like "RobertTheRobert" which is redundant. As I always like to say "Simplicity in redundancy, and elegance in simplicity".


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Re: frontpage: the choice of the KKK
« Reply #44 on: 27 May 2005, 00:54 »
I agree with MrX!
:thumbup: MrX that's your best post so far.
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