All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

MS rules!

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--- Quote ---Windows Longhorn will be like having a little cop right inside your computer
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--- Quote ---Can any of them prove that Linux is NOT illegally derived from Unix System V? If so I haven't seen it. Once this case goes to court in 2005, and IBM loses, Linux users will owe SCO $650 *per seat* for Linux deployments. This is far more expensive than Windows.
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--- Quote ---with Windows XP I don't gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends and family at all. The built-in email client Outlook Express does it automatically, in the background.
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And also on that topic:
(From Void Main's fora)

I remember when I went back to Windows XP in 2003. Damn that was extremely depressing. I started reading Channel 9 and stuff just to accept MS on my computer and to avoid looking at other alternatives. Now I won't make that mistake again unless software patents forces me to remove linux from my computer.
In that case I don't think I'll ever use computers more at least not x86 or x86_64. I think It has to be an Apple, one of their newer one with Tiger off course. But who knows maybe Apple will loose the batte of the patents too together with the other smaller companies.

Sounds like Doomsday...

What is Channel 9?

Channel 9 is Microsofts attempt to communicate better with normal users not just developers and companies using their tools. Though I mostly saw developers there.

However, they post lot of stuff, like pics and videos from newer products like Longhorn, Visual .net suite 2005, msn services etc. They also interview the staff from all kinds of divisions (games, visual .net, msn, windows, smartphone and ppc etc).

Here's the link.

Software Patents won't force you to remove Linux, they will force the developers to not be able to put certain idea's into their programs. The concept is completely archaic. Of course copyright laws are susposed to protect distribution of material, but people still do - one could say copyright laws is what created pirates. I think with the lunacy of software patents, a lot more programmers will just be working under psudonyms, and writing illegal code and using anonymous networks like Entrophy and Freenet to distribute them. The same applies for the threat of Open Source becoming "illegal" in the United States.


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