I'm not saying the author's decision was a bad one - using Macs may benefit him and his business greatly, but all in all the article that says
very little, and some of his reasons for 'why wintel is doomed to fail' reak of ignorance and/or short-sightedness.
Some of his reasons are just flat out pathetic...
[/b][/i]"When a new operating system or service pack is released, there are tons of changes to the functionality."

. This guy is in for a real shocker when he upgrades his macs to the new verion of OSX and some peice of sofyware breaks. Ironically, I read about Tiger breaking VPN software. This guys company is some kind of security consulting company. If they had used Mac's, they would have almost certianly been afected by this.
"WinTel machines use different versions of BIOS[/b] They are not all equal, nor do they all have the same level of compatibility."
[/i]WTF? Oh no! I spent 10 days learning how to navigate the Award bios, and now I have to learn how to navigate this AMI BIOS! My Award bios allows me to change the _xx, and my AMI bios doesn't! What will I do?!
[/b][/i]"Some Windows software applications are well written; others take shortcuts."
So, you don't evaluate software before installing on your business' computers? Remind me
never to solicit your consulting services.
[/b][/i]"Hardware. There are hundreds of "WinTel-compatible" motherboards, each claiming to be better than the next. Whatever"
So you don't like choices? Very typical of a consultant. Here's a hint - ASUS motherboards are the best. It's common knowledge to people who have a clue about the Wintel platform. Intel motherboards you say? Nope. They are just rebranded Asus motherboards.
[/b][/i]"Memory. Not all RAM is equal. Some works well. Cheap stuff doesn