All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
No sane person would/could/should - no insane person should
The Windows installer wasn't exactly friendly. It is much easier to install Linux I think.
Most people have never had to install Windows as it came pre-installed with their PC, this is why they'll have a hard time installing any operating system.
Well then, I must've gotten some amount of geek points when I used to reinstall Win95. DAILY!
Often non tech people get their friends to do their dirty work. I've installed Windows 95/98/ME before on friend's machines but I have yet to have to install Windows 2000/XP it just goes to show how much better Windows has become.
--- Quote from: toadlife ---To some people that is rocket science. Most non-techie computer users don't even know what a partition is, let alone how to delete one.
--- End quote ---
I agree some people may have trouble installing windows. Although I must differ with the argument that knowledge of Rocket Science is not relative. There is no easy versus hard Rocket Science
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