All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

No sane person would/could/should - no insane person should

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[rant]Sometimes I feel this is turning into a we-love-MS forum [/rant]

--- Quote ---The Windows installer wasn't exactly friendly. It is much easier to install Linux I think.
--- End quote ---

I agree there. ubuntu was a breeeze.

--- Quote ---Probably someone who was unhappy with Linux and wanted XP?
--- End quote ---

Nah. You think?


--- Quote from: Jenda ---[rant]Sometimes I feel this is turning into a we-love-MS forum [/rant]
--- End quote ---
I was thinking that too. Except I would've said a we-HATE-MS-but-we-LOVE-their-software-and-we-will-support-MS-to-the-bitter-end forum.

--- Quote from: Jenda ---I agree there. ubuntu was a breeeze.
--- End quote ---
Mandriva has, IMO, the easiest install wizard there is. Ubuntu is pretty easy too, but it uses ncurses (no X11), and it's partitioner isn't the best (can't install to free space on an NTFS partition (where it should make NTFS partition smaller and make some partitions for GNU/Linux), if I recall).


--- Quote ---(where it should make NTFS partition smaller and make some partitions for GNU/Linux), if I recall).
--- End quote ---

IT DOES!!! I tried it! It resized a 20 Gig NTFS to 14, and created beatiful, shiny ext&swap partitions!

Nice one. I never knew it did that. I used partition magic on my cousin's pc to make the ntfs partition smaller. It could be a new thing in ubuntu, or I must've missed it :(

I'll have to install Ubuntu after the exams... So I can convert some more misguided Windows users, and help out the community, I hope.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---I was thinking that too. Except I would've said a we-HATE-MS-but-we-LOVE-their-software-and-we-will-support-MS-to-the-bitter-end forum.
--- End quote ---
* taking the thread even more off-topic.
Let me elaborate (note that I haven't said above whether this is a good or bad thing). This is the Microsoft Eradication Society. That means that we want to see, and be a part of, the end of MS (at least as they are now. Their power). I would've guessed that our plan would be to notify people of the alternatives, and help them make the switch (which generally isn't easy, with all the lock-ins et cetera) from ALL Microsoft products.

I don't think I've seen anyone argue that MS is good, or that they are not evil. Some people defend MS products because they think that some MS products are treated unfairly on this particular site, which is fair enough.

There's enough reasoning for now ..................

* takes cover


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