Author Topic: Why I use Windows...  (Read 2468 times)


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Why I use Windows...
« on: 1 June 2002, 05:04 »
Why do I use Windows (XP and 2000)? Easy, it does everything I want it to do, it's fast, it's stable, it's robust, it's well supported and there hasn't been a single annoyance that I couldn't overcome. Activation you say? Yes... that is perhaps the greatest annoyance of them all, but not to worry, XP Corporate and Devilsown make everything right again.

Now, I'm sure the first argument I get will be regarding security, so let me address that now. There is no one silver bullet for PC security, there are infact two... common sense and a router. Common sense is the most important one, those who give their email addresses to IDIOT friends who have a habit of forwarding emails with every goddamn virus known to man attached somewhere in the chain to it, common sense not to visit disreputable sites outside a Virtual PC and finally, common sense not to leave file sharing open with 5 administrative accounts that aren't password protected.

Continuing the security argument, next comes my best defense... the router. Now, how can a router help? Quite easily... it can only expose one machine at a time to the internet making the rest invulnerable to direct outside attacks. But it still leaves one system open, right? Yes... it does and that would be my script kiddie booby trap. A nice little 450Mhz Presario with Win2k installed, all file sharing open, no password under the administrative account, filled with every damn virus I could get my hands on and containing a Windows Address Book full of every spammer's and enemies' email address I could come across. The system also has various other exploits wide open and no service packs or other security updates installed, to prevent it from seeing or transmitting any of it's goodies to the real systems it is kept on a different workgroup. It usually gets knocked down every couple weeks after which I do a 4 minute restore of a ghost image and re-bait the trap for another asshole.

Next, do I like Microsoft? Of course not... I don't like any company for that matter. They all use scumball tactics to get ahead, after all, their business is money, not morals. Bearing that in mind, I'm also not loyal to any companies... I'll use their product as long as I'm happy with it, but once I become significantly dis-satisfied, I'll dump them for the competition faster than they can say "good riddance!". In the end, it's the product I go for... not the company like many other users who have practically established the "Church of Gates."

And finally, do I know or care about Windows alternatives such as Linux, Unix and Mac OS? Of course, I follow all news on all tech fronts very closely and I am working to learn all of the alternate OSes as well as I know Windows. If they should end up surpassing my prefered version of Windows in the areas I feel that they need work on, then I would explore the possibility of switching to them, but for the time being, I use what suits me the most at the moment, and that's Win2k and WinXP.

PS: For those wondering just what exactly I do, it's a little bit of everything... graphics work, mostly web design and web programming, a little bit of video editing and finally, gaming.)


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #1 on: 1 June 2002, 05:47 »
You should replace the word "router" with "firewall" in your post and you'll be much more accurate. The primary function of a "router" is to route traffic, not block traffic or do PAT/NAT translation (although you can add access lists in many routers which can block and translate).

Now many so called DSL/CABLE routers have firewalling built into them as well, but they are not appropriately named in my opinion. Hopefully you *are* giving the other *NIX OSes the effort you say you are.

BTW, since you do graphics, what's the best way of taking a series of JPEG images (around 350) and turning them into an MPG movie (or some other non-proprietary video format)?  These images are a snapshot each day at the same time over a 350 day period and I need about 25 milliseconds between each picture. "animate" (part of ImageMagic) does a nice job of creating the animated sequence but I want to turn it into an MPEG movie if possible.
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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #2 on: 1 June 2002, 05:59 »
I beleive FlyVCD could do exactly what your asking. It's mostly used to convert a series of images into a slide show in the form of an MPEG file for use on VCDs and DVD-Rs. You should be able to configure the speed setting, but I'm not sure if you'd be able to get it down to 25ms, anyway, you can find a demo of it at . Another one you may want to look into is Animation Shop which comes with Jasc Paint Shop Pro.


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #3 on: 1 June 2002, 06:00 »
Vincent: As much as it pains me to hear that anyone actually likes Windows, you obviously have valid reasons for doing so. However, keep in mind that you vote with your money. If you ever want to see a non-Windows platform succeed, you must support it in some way.
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Master of Reality

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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #4 on: 1 June 2002, 07:33 »
a windows user with common sense?
I havent seen something like this for.... well I have never seen anything like this.

The smartest windows user i have seen is:

[ May 31, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #5 on: 1 June 2002, 07:47 »
Great post Vincent. I agree with you 99%. If it works, use it, and bitch about the other one   :D  

Also, I FINALLY got to try Red Hat 7.1. It was fucking awesome. Something different and new. I only had 1 problem, took me 30 minutes to change the damn monitor resolution from 60 FPS (Headache) to 85.


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #6 on: 1 June 2002, 07:52 »
Hey Ctrl, it's nice to read that you've finally gave Linux a try. Hope you'll keep using it and benefit from it's power. At least you seem to keep an open mind  ;)


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #7 on: 1 June 2002, 08:11 »
You couldn't get your hands on RH7.3?  Comes with KDE 3.0 which I like a lot better...
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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #8 on: 1 June 2002, 08:15 »
It's times like this that I really envy you VoidMain! If only I had a bloody cable connection  :mad:


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #9 on: 1 June 2002, 10:41 »
Originally posted by Vincent:
I beleive FlyVCD could do exactly what your asking. It's mostly used to convert a series of images into a slide show in the form of an MPEG file for use on VCDs and DVD-Rs. You should be able to configure the speed setting, but I'm not sure if you'd be able to get it down to 25ms, anyway, you can find a demo of it at . Another one you may want to look into is Animation Shop which comes with Jasc Paint Shop Pro.

Well, PSP is a great product (when I use Windows) but isn't the animation shop only for animated gifs? The other thing didn't have much info about MPEG. I found an *excellent* open source utility for doing exactly what I want called "MJPEG Tools". Many excellent utilities. It was sort of a pain getting all the pieces, compiling them and installing them, but it was well worth the effort. Too bad there weren't nice RPM packages for all the stuff. If interested check out:

Again, I've been working with Linux since it's beginning and found this a bit of a pain in the arse to get set up so your mileage may vary...
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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #10 on: 1 June 2002, 12:02 »
As far as there not being any Windows users with common sense, I do beleive they are rare, but I do not beleive they are extinct yet. They are simply forced into hiding by the mass hordes of Bill Gates worshipers and AOL-using, virus-breeding and Gateway-buying avarage idiot users. 'Tis a very bad situation... their stupdity spreads faster than the plague and the only cure, knowledge, is becomming burried in the massive piles of waste created by the idiots.

Yes, I beleive the GIF format was one of the major formats Animation Shop was built around but from past experiences, I have been able to manipulate AVIs in it. Unfortunately, I'm on my laptop right now and I don't have a copy of it on hand to see if it can infact save to MPEG. But in the end, I don't really care what a product was BUILT to do, I care what it CAN do.


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #11 on: 1 June 2002, 12:47 »
I use Win 2k and Linux. 1 WU in Seti@Home took 9 hours in linux and 43 in Windows.... And windows only did it when it was at idle. Linux was playing MP3's Surfing and other things. In fact even compiling Kernels.
Whats with that eh?

Since I'm not a programmmer, I honestly can't say for sure but I would assume that it is an issue with how both versions are programmed. The Linux version is probably programmed to actually use ALL idle CPU cylces while the Windows version is programmed to only activate itself when the system is completely idle, much like a screensaver.

You sound like you should be using Linux....
Linux is Open Linux is free.
With Linux you can do more than Windows if you know
how. Windows you cant. Have you used Linux for more than 5 miniutes before.

I like the idea behind Linux and all OpenSource software for that matter. It is the one form of software that can't be polluted or influenced by various corporations like much of the other software out there. As for my Linux experience, I've used it for a few weeks and I will be installing it on my secondary system once I have my LAN back in one peice (I'm going on a trip out of state in about 2 hours and I sent some of my systems ahead of me). The current versions I'm considering are Mandrake 8.2, RedHat 7.3 and SuSE 8.0.

There really isn't one huge reason that's keeping me away from Linux, it's a bunch of small ones... However, the main two that are keeping me away is the speed of KDE and the lack of Linux versions of my most used applications. One thing I'll admit is that when it comes to computing, I am stubborn. I know there are a lot of alternatives to most of my applications on Linux, but I've never really been happy choosing any alternatives when I already like the software I'm using. Another major issue is the lack of customizability on KDE and just the general flow of it. I have dual monitors going on my main system, I've significantly customized the XP GUI, adding a new skin and adjusting various aspects of it, It's what I'm used to and I've been unable to re-create that in KDE. Technologically, Linux can deliver much of what I want but as far as actual physical use goes, it's like a shoe that's the right size, but just doesn't quite feel right.

I think Linux has come very far for what it's worth, and has some excellent uses (and users), but in the end, there is no way to build something that every single user will be happy with and at this point, I simply beleive that Linux needs to come further (particularly in the GUI department) before I can seriously consider the prospect of switching to it from Windows.

And just for the record, I have tried Wine and several other GUIs. Of all the GUIs, KDE looks the most promising at the moment for my uses and as far as Wine goes, it is definately a step in the right direction and an excellent application but quite honestly I don't see the point in using it when I have the ability to run those Windows applications in their native enviroment with greater speed and compatibility.

[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: Vincent ]


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #12 on: 1 June 2002, 13:01 »
Hmmmm, didn't think I would ever hear anyone say KDE isn't customizable. In it's source form it's infinitely customizable, but even in binary form it's far more customizable than any version of Win, even KDE 2.x. I believe the shoe analogy. It took me a few months to begin to see the light with UNIX (but that was over 10 years ago). Once I got over the initial shock it's been non-stop learning and enjoyment over the power at your fingertips.
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Master Windu

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« Reply #13 on: 1 June 2002, 16:08 »
Another major issue is the lack of customizability on KDE and just the general flow of it. I have dual monitors going on my main system, I've significantly customized the XP GUI, adding a new skin and adjusting various aspects of it, It's what I'm used to and I've been unable to re-create that in KDE

You can customize KDE, GNOME, and pretty much any X Windows based environment. I think your problem mainly lies in the fact that you don't know a whole lot about programming, nor do you feel the need to dive into the unknown (a big problem with a lot of "tech" people...I am not singling you out.)  Linux was written in C, whereas most "customizable" components of $hitblows were written in BASIC. I don't need to reiterate on the numerous rants people have made on this board regarding $hitblows' vunerabilities, but that is the basis of the whole idea.  Linux, and UNIX, were written with programmers in mind. $hitblows was created for the average drone who lacks all querilating traits of a human being (ininitative, motivation, a willingness to learn.) Microsoft has fed and breeded of this premise, hence the "dot com" explosion on the mid-nineties. But now, with the unweilding influx of this new migration, many of these "tech people" are going to soon be without a job due to their lack of alternative exposure, and their knowledge of the inner-workings of alternative systems. IIS and .Net will get you nowhere in ten years. And, thank God, that reneck in Louisiana won't be Yee-Hawing anymore over his web-page that he made for his towing company with Front Page.

[ June 01, 2002: Message edited by: Master Windu ]


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Why I use Windows...
« Reply #14 on: 8 June 2002, 22:28 »
Vincent, something your philosophy seems to lack is morallity and ethics. It order to have a good society, we must make ethical dissisions. Doing things because you get some immediate advantage without regard for others is wrong. Just because a certain product seems a little better for you, doesn't me you should buy it. Should you buy a stolen rolex just because its cheaper and therefor a better deal for you? Likewise, just because a company has a product we like doesn't mean we shouldn't boycot them anyway.

I'm not saying you shouldn't use windows. I use windows (right now infact). I am not against your choice to use windows, i am against your reason for using it. "I use what suits me the most at the moment...". I'm sure there are alternatives that will suit you nicely even if you prefere windows. If you must use ms products, fine. But try to use alternatives whenever possible (as i seen you have been). You may prefere windows over they alternatives you considering, but you should ask yourself, is it really worth it?

Using ms products is not such a bad thing. Paying for them is. If your going to use ms stuff, please don't pay for it. Give your money to the companies that are doing the innovating like Sun or Apple. Besides, anything good that will come out of Sun or Apple will end up in windows anyway.