Usually my nVida Geforce 4 TI 4200 will get around 200/300 FPS with the open source nvidia driver, and 3000+ with the nvidia driver
Fullscreen or default size?Also, what specs does your system have? :cool:I get about 1629 fps default size and 176fps fullscreen using the official Nvidia 1.0-7174 driverIs that good? :scared:
Good job to everyone working on the OSS nVidia driver. without them i'd be stuck with 640x480 16-color resolution until i get the official driver up
Not particularly, My Geforce 3 does 2600fps at default window size. (AthlonXP 2100 Palomino + 512MB PC2700)You've probably got some memmory bottleneck issues, but bear in mind glxgears is a bad benchmark.
The 5700LE sucks. Getting 1600fps may not be so bad. I get 2500 or so on the regular 5700, sometimes 3000.The GeForce4 MX 440, by comparision, gets around 900 but Tux Racer still plays great. Glxgears may not mean much.
OK... he gets 90,4 fps. What can I conclude?