Author Topic: Ubuntu First Impressions  (Read 1368 times)


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Ubuntu First Impressions
« on: 3 June 2005, 07:14 »
I've been out of the loop regarding Linux desktop developments for a few years now.  I read what's 'going on,' but rarely ever check it out.

I downloaded the Ubuntu Live CD about an hour ago and started tinkering with it.  Honestly it seems more than ready for the desktop.  I'm not going to leave OS X any time soon, but the claim that Windows is somehow less confusing is totally out the door.  The Ubuntu interface is good enough for any grandma to use, with a lot less clutter and confusion than anything Windows provides.

If Ubuntu could get some designers and artistic folks on their team, things could shape up nicely.


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Re: Ubuntu First Impressions
« Reply #1 on: 3 June 2005, 14:06 »
never tried ubuntu, i use fedora on pcs and debian 3.1 on my servers fedora is ready for desktop too :)
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Re: Ubuntu First Impressions
« Reply #2 on: 3 June 2005, 14:08 »
Nice to hear that. Well Ubuntu has excellent hardware detection and tools for administrating the system. Still It didn't fit my needs as I wanted full control over my system. As I didn't like Gnome I choose Kubuntu with KDE 3.4 but that was very buggy. I also like compiling from source so I can get that extra 2% performance. totally customized install with a stripped down kernel, specific services and apps etc. Portage is also simply better than apt-get. There are several other reasons I choose Gentoo infront of Ubuntu which I won't list here though.

I'm happy you enjoyed Ubuntu linux. The next release shows some very exciting features on the horizon. Still I would recommend you Gentoo linux when you are "ready" for some seriouse linux usage :).


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Re: Ubuntu First Impressions
« Reply #3 on: 3 June 2005, 22:36 »
Yup. Ubuntu is for those who just want Linux - not serious Linux.