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Lead Head:
What is going on with longhorn, is this finally going to be a stable OS from M$


--- Quote from: Put_lead_in_gates_head ---What is going on with longhorn, is this finally going to be a stable OS from M$
--- End quote ---

Just think of it as Windows XP SP4...

umm.. SP4? You mean sp3?


--- Quote from: Put_lead_in_gates_head ---What is going on with longhorn, is this finally going to be a stable OS from M$
--- End quote ---

That was Windows 2000.

I agree with piratePenguin Widnows XP was only a very minor update to Windows 2000 and Lonhorn will be what XP was to Windows 2000.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---umm.. SP4? You mean sp3?
--- End quote ---

It's most likely that Microsoft will at least release SP3 before Longhorn.
Just to hype some of the new features of Longhorn, which some are already in SP3, crippled of course.


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