Operating Systems > macOS

Apple to switch to intel chips in 2006

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I think Jobs is counting on Windows Longhorn to fail miserably.

For this, Apple needs to get their marketing straight for once and bring out their Mac OS X for x86 version with realistic system requirements for it to have somewhat larger market share at all.
Overall, I'm positive about these developments. This could turn out very nicely.


So would I be able to run Mac OS X on this PC or will they not make the drivers for non-Macs, and make it impossible for someone else to make them?

Once again Apple have given IBM the boot. The first boot was in 1984, now it may be a real boot. If IBM had made the chips for PowerMac G5 as fast as Apple would have wanted we should have reached G5 3,5 GHz by now. Now, it seems that Intel is going to do that instead. I wonder what that processor will look like. We can call it X86 but it won


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---whoa.

So would I be able to run Mac OS X on this PC or will they not make the drivers for non-Macs, and make it impossible for someone else to make them?
--- End quote ---

Wait, hold on. Forget everything I said in the last post.

Something is somewhat unclear to me. Is Apple switching to the same CPU architecture as Windows or another architecture that happens to be created by Intel?

Jobs demonstrated a P4 3.6GHz machine running OS X.  So, yeah, x86.

But they may not let the OS run on typical PCs, via using a different BIOS or something.


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