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Stupid Hardware Requirement

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That's funny, I've even moved a 1.2GB directory on a FAT32 drive on a P200 with just 32MB ram before, it took just 3 seconds (with very little disk activity). To Windows or any OS moving a file around a disk or renaming it are the same operation. In Linux you use the same command, in Windows/DOS the commands are different but internally they call the same function. I remember when I programmed in DOS assembly move & rename were the same  call. This is only true if the file is in the same partition or file system, to move it from one to another it is copied first and then deleted form the source.

I would imagine that what's happened here is a case of lack of free memory and the dreaded swap file in action or a lack of disk space or severe fragmentation of the drive.

When was the last time you defragmented your hard drive?

By the way, boot into same mode and turn your screen saver of before you do this.

All of you people must have had bunk copies of Windows, or super shitty computers.

Canadian Lover:

quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
All of you people must have had bunk copies of Windows, or super shitty computers.
--- End quote ---

So I need 3 GHZ to raname a file?


quote:Originally posted by Canadian Lover:

So I need 3 GHZ to raname a file?
--- End quote ---

No, you need a defragged box to rename a file in any kind of time.

couple things here
1: the iso you downloaded was probably (or part of) a winnrar self executable
2: I belive windoze verifies the data which could lead to confusion if i was indeed not an ISO
3: From what i know you seem to run a lotta shit in ure background (kazaa, firewall, virus scanner, ect so next time try runnin that End it all i sent u before you try to confuse windoze.
4: and lastly why the hell you runnin ME its just bloated crap, well all windowz is but ME is really bad.


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