Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes


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--- Quote from: Put_lead_in_gates_head ---if XXX inc is so bad why did they come out with the first x86-64 CPU
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Wow, CompUSA / BestBuy / Office Depot / Fry's Electronics / take your pick came out with the first x86-64 CPU?  I didn't know that.  For future reference, three letters does NOT AMD make anymore than FUBAR makes INTEL.


--- Quote from: MrX ---when i need to do word processing and printing i use my moms win98 system with open office.

Mr X
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So even you agree that BeOS doesn't fully fulfill your needs and you need a different operating system to do some tasks, I rest my case.

One thing that annoys me is there is a real lack of choice for operating systems these days, you basically have a choice between Windows or UNIX and if you don't like either you're fucked. I don't have a problem with UNIX but I can see why some people do.


--- Quote ---
So even you agree that BeOS doesn't fully fulfill your needs and you need a different operating system to do some tasks, I rest my case.

--- End quote ---

looks like your case was picked up and thrown all over.
 "some" tasks are like any other OS . there are somethings you can do only on windows, that you cannot do on anyother OS. Like, use Radmin .

i dont 'need' to have beos to print and do documents . i don't care if it can or not. that's not what I do in my room. I play games and such. the win98 computer is in another room with a printer.  
Mr X

Just so we're clear on this, Radmin is crap.  What can you do with it that you can't do with (FREE) rdesktop and Terminal Services, or for that matter, VNC?  What, chat with encryption?  No thanks, I've got Gaim.


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