All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

MSN 6.2 < MSN 7.0 ... atleast MS thinks so.

<< < (2/2)


--- Quote from: Refalm ---Or maybe the 6.2 version your friend downloaded, is a newer build.
--- End quote ---

If it was a newer build, then if defenitivly should have worked. It puzzles me. But as you said, it's MS, this is something I would expect :D


--- Quote ---That's just the answer I would expect. I am aware of Gaim and all those substitutes. Just wanted to tell the world about it
--- End quote ---

[rant=flame]Who are you calling substitute? Windows is the substitute for a combination of brains and an OS!!! Not to mention MSN...[/rant]

Who am I calling substitute? :S
I mean, alternative software. Better?

Yes, better. :D


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