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How to delete content.ie5 material without losing the history?

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I would like to delete the GIGABYTES of useless crap that Internet Explorer insists on hiding on my hard drive, but I would like to do it without sacrificing the history of sites visited because I use the history to revisit useful places I've been before.  Can anyone tell me what files I should keep to preserve the history when I erase the rest of the junk?

Don't use Internet Explore it's shit, use Firefox or Opera.

Read my signiture for fuck sake.

One vote for bin.

One vote against bin.

The history aren't in content.ie5.  At most, keep the index.dat file.

1 vote for bin.

There just isn't a single reason or excuse to use Internet Explorer anymore, and anyone who does derserves all the shit that comes with it.

Rustyprof, empty your stuff by doing the regular clear cache, or by deleting the stuff manually. Then download firefox.


--- Quote from: Rustyprof ---I would like to delete the GIGABYTES of useless crap that Internet Explorer insists on hiding on my hard drive, but I would like to do it without sacrificing the history of sites visited because I use the history to revisit useful places I've been before.  Can anyone tell me what files I should keep to preserve the history when I erase the rest of the junk?
--- End quote ---

Delete all system files, and when you re-installed your operating system, DO NOT USE INTERNET EXPLORER (unless you're downloading Firefox or Opera).


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