All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

WMP Spyware - yahoo article

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If microsoft is, as reported here, spying on every individual user that has a MS OS, they must have one HELL of a staff!!  If it is being done electronically, they must have some extemely talented programmers and engineers!! I cant help but wonder how much of this is paranoia and how much is true.  I would suspect a lot of the information compiled by MS or Realplayer is used to develope new software, based on what the public wants and will purchase.  I would do the same thing.  Its just the way things work today and its not going to change. Its done by everyone.  Go to the "doubleclick" website and see who some of their customers are.  Its something everyone has to accept. Either that, or hide under the bed and not purchase anything from a major store chain and stay off the computer!

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by FuckMSTillTheyDie:
--- End quote ---

Mozilla says, document not found. How old is this link?


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