Author Topic: Microsoft bans democracy  (Read 5763 times)


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #45 on: 21 June 2005, 00:19 »
Israel - the kibbutzim. That's communism, on a scale of 50 inhabs or less, and works perfectly. Check the Wiki.


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #46 on: 21 June 2005, 01:15 »
Good point Jenda. I do need to learn more about it though.


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #47 on: 21 June 2005, 01:25 »
Wow! It is obvious most of you are very young and have little experience about world affairs. I work for a company who introduced a new product in China. 1st year sales were about 3.5M then they copied our product and started selling it themselves. After 2 years we pulled out of China because the Chineese government would not protect our Us patent. The business environment in China is terrible. They are thieves and will copy any product without any fear of prosecution from their own government. As a matter of fact just about every technology they have has been stolen form the Us and Uk,just like the Soviets did after WW2. China can kiss my ass!!!!!!! I think all their products should be boycotted because they did'nt design it themselves. As a matter of fact their government supports piracy of other countries products to market as their own! They remind me of the Borg in Star Trek just taking as they please. But unfortunately there are a lot of companies who view China with dollar signs in their eyes(Untill their products are copied)I would'nt even consider doing business there again and thank God our Ceo will never go there again. I do agree with most of you that their government is corrupt and the people should be free to do as they please and censorship in any way is wrong. I also understand that not all people are corrupt and would prefer to be honest citizens, but after having such a bad expereience there I will never return or ever do business there again. Wait till they copy Microsofts operating system and start selling it as there own, we'll see what happens then!


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #48 on: 21 June 2005, 01:30 »
Quote from: Jenda
Israel - the kibbutzim. That's communism, on a scale of 50 inhabs or less, and works perfectly. Check the Wiki.

That's nice except it wasn't implimented by the government and it has regressed more or less back into capitalism since the initial problem that led to it's creation.

from wiki:

The kibbutzim were founded in a time when independent farming was not practical. Forced by necessity into communal life, and inspired by their own socialist ideology, the kibbutz members developed a pure communal mode of living that attracted interest from the entire world. While the kibbutzim lasted for several generations as utopian communities, today kibbutzim are scarcely different from the capitalist enterprises and regular towns to which the kibbutzim were originally supposed to be alternatives.

It started out as a great solution to a problem, but when the need for it vanished, people stopped liking it so much.

Farming co-ops are actually extremely common in the United States, because independent farming is not practical.  Multiple farmer form into coops so they can leverage their market power more effectively.

I think the reason small socialist communities succeed is due to the fact that they are able to find enough people who are willing to particiapate. It doesn't work on a national scale though. It never has.


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #49 on: 21 June 2005, 02:01 »
And as for you high-schoolers who complain about school policies, here's what I have to say. First of all, most of you have never paid taxes! While I have been paying them for almost 30 years. You have no right to do with school computers as you please!!!! The rules are in place for you to follow not to break! The school computers are to be used for research and schoolwork only!!!!!!! If you want to play games do it at home!!!! While I will agree with most of you that you probably know more about computers than the people who are in charge of those systems, you still you have no right to break the rules!!!! As a matter fact I have 2 college students and guess what there are rules on my computers at home too!!!!! I'm the one who pays for them and I'm the one who pays for the internet service!!! If I ever catch one of them surfing web sites that are questionable I will pull the plug!! Sounds like most of you need to grow up!!!! When you have(and pay for) your own home and pay for all of your own stuff, then and only then can you do as you please!!!! And guess what Big Brother is watching!!!!!!


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #50 on: 21 June 2005, 05:08 »
Quote from: superk
And as for you high-schoolers who complain about school policies, here's what I have to say. First of all, most of you have never paid taxes! While I have been paying them for almost 30 years. You have no right to do with school computers as you please!!!! The rules are in place for you to follow not to break! The school computers are to be used for research and schoolwork only!!!!!!! If you want to play games do it at home!!!! While I will agree with most of you that you probably know more about computers than the people who are in charge of those systems, you still you have no right to break the rules!!!! As a matter fact I have 2 college students and guess what there are rules on my computers at home too!!!!! I'm the one who pays for them and I'm the one who pays for the internet service!!! If I ever catch one of them surfing web sites that are questionable I will pull the plug!! Sounds like most of you need to grow up!!!! When you have(and pay for) your own home and pay for all of your own stuff, then and only then can you do as you please!!!! And guess what Big Brother is watching!!!!!!

and gues what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am big brother!

Mr X


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #51 on: 21 June 2005, 07:59 »
Quote from: superk
And as for you high-schoolers who complain about school policies, here's what I have to say. First of all, most of you have never paid taxes! While I have been paying them for almost 30 years. You have no right to do with school computers as you please!!!! The rules are in place for you to follow not to break! The school computers are to be used for research and schoolwork only!!!!!!! If you want to play games do it at home!!!! While I will agree with most of you that you probably know more about computers than the people who are in charge of those systems, you still you have no right to break the rules!!!! As a matter fact I have 2 college students and guess what there are rules on my computers at home too!!!!! I'm the one who pays for them and I'm the one who pays for the internet service!!! If I ever catch one of them surfing web sites that are questionable I will pull the plug!! Sounds like most of you need to grow up!!!! When you have(and pay for) your own home and pay for all of your own stuff, then and only then can you do as you please!!!! And guess what Big Brother is watching!!!!!!

42 or 14?
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<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #52 on: 21 June 2005, 11:37 »
Quote from: superk
And as for you high-schoolers who complain about school policies, here's what I have to say. First of all, most of you have never paid taxes! While I have been paying them for almost 30 years. You have no right to do with school computers as you please!!!! The rules are in place for you to follow not to break! The school computers are to be used for research and schoolwork only!!!!!!! If you want to play games do it at home!!!! While I will agree with most of you that you probably know more about computers than the people who are in charge of those systems, you still you have no right to break the rules!!!! As a matter fact I have 2 college students and guess what there are rules on my computers at home too!!!!! I'm the one who pays for them and I'm the one who pays for the internet service!!! If I ever catch one of them surfing web sites that are questionable I will pull the plug!! Sounds like most of you need to grow up!!!! When you have(and pay for) your own home and pay for all of your own stuff, then and only then can you do as you please!!!! And guess what Big Brother is watching!!!!!!

If there weren't school policies for computer use by students, or better censoring and security, the school wouldn't have to hire two overpaid pricks to check every 30 minutes if those 13-year old shitheads aren't surfing for porn.
This means us paying less taxes, and those Big Brothers to get real jobs already.


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #53 on: 21 June 2005, 18:48 »
Quote from: superk
And as for you high-schoolers who complain about school policies, here's what I have to say. First of all, most of you have never paid taxes! While I have been paying them for almost 30 years. You have no right to do with school computers as you please!!!! The rules are in place for you to follow not to break! The school computers are to be used for research and schoolwork only!!!!!!! If you want to play games do it at home!!!! While I will agree with most of you that you probably know more about computers than the people who are in charge of those systems, you still you have no right to break the rules!!!! As a matter fact I have 2 college students and guess what there are rules on my computers at home too!!!!! I'm the one who pays for them and I'm the one who pays for the internet service!!! If I ever catch one of them surfing web sites that are questionable I will pull the plug!! Sounds like most of you need to grow up!!!! When you have(and pay for) your own home and pay for all of your own stuff, then and only then can you do as you please!!!! And guess what Big Brother is watching!!!!!!

You completely misread my post, I wasn't complaining about school policy to do whatever I wanted, I was complaining about it because there were clearly problems with it, once the computers got a virus and it took them about 2 weeks (maybe longer) just to clean the computers, if they actually learn something and use safer software then the computers would actually run better....

They are payed for that job, and yet they still make crap work of it, it irritates me. :thumbdwn:


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #54 on: 22 June 2005, 02:45 »
Listen guy's, I understand your frustration and I do apologize if I offended anyone. However my point does stand about rules. I'm sure most of you would make better administrators than the one's you have. I enjoy the immense knowledge you all have here thats why I became a member of this forum. For now just do what you have to do to complete your educations and move on to the next level. Do your research at home where you do not have to worry about idiot's who could'nt set up a quality network for you to work on at school. Make a difference in the world as I know you all will. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #55 on: 22 June 2005, 10:57 »
It's alright superk, I agree with you, and I'd imagine that a few more of our mature members here will also agree with you too.


Grow up for fuck sake! :rolleyes:
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Re: Microsoft bans democracy
« Reply #56 on: 22 June 2005, 19:16 »
bin this flamewar already. sheesh